
Showing posts from 2019

The Foreword to Snippets of Life Music

Literature is the picture of society that is not how it looks but the inside of it. Focusing on the weak spots in society and the system, it has the power to change them. It is poetry that has brought about revolutions, reformation and awareness. When John Ball shouted ‘Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?’, the Peasants’ Revolt triggered and rebels advanced on London; Milton’s voice established the Commonwealth of England; Pindar filled Greece with passion; Bhushan and Chand Bardai made Indian swords thirsty of blood; Dickens turned public attention towards orphans through his novels. Tolstoy’s stories have the power to change one’s view of life; Aesop’s fables can make its reader a perfect man. Holy prophets were wonderful storytellers. Their stories reformed society and made men out of animals. Art and music appeal even to infants. A child listens to your stories, mulling over events. Slowly they start to imitate their hero. A good story helps children build ...

Featured in Newspapers

अंग्रेजी साहित्य के लिए श्री रमेश चन्द्र तिवारी की ‘स्निपेट्स ऑफ लाइफ मयूजिक’ इस वर्ष चुनी गयी है । ‘मानव दिवस’ के इस अवसर पर ‘विश्व मानव संघ’ उन्हें इंटरनेसनल जुनूँ अवार्ड से सम्मानित करेगा । Snippets of Life Music, a collection of amazing short stories by the master storyteller wins a prestigious prize.


The invitation card from World Human Organization which has nominated my book ‘Snippets of Life Music’ for INTL. JUNOO AWARD – 2019. The picture of my book appears on the back page of the card, too. INTL. JUNOO is a prize that is awarded on January 1 each year to people who have done important work in literature, arts, social work, travelling and health care. World Human Organization as ever is going to celebrate 22nd Human Day-2020 on January 1, 2020 at Press Club Lucknow. On this day it will pay tribute to its founder, Dr Rashmi Bhoshan Junoo (an internationally known social worker, illustrious author and celebrated artist) his successor, late mother Premlata, an eminent poetess, and famous playwright, William Shakespeare. It will also present International Junoo Award-2019 to leading writers, poets, social workers, health care workers, philosophers, painters and to those who have distinguished themselves by their heroic acts of bravery. Snippets of Life Music, a collec...

Kisan Post Graduate College

Today I visited Kisan Post Graduate College and presented Dr S.P. Singh, the Honourable Secretary of the college, with my book Snippets of Life Music. He became very happy to know that an alumnus of the college has written a very good book. He soon granted the purchase of 10 copies for the college library. I express my deep debt of gratitude to him.  I also presented Dr S. C. Tripathi, the Principal, with a copy as a token of my warmest thanks for his generosity.

New Edition

Open Snippets of Life Music, select anyone of the short stories in it and then read it carefully; I give you a guarantee that it will entertain and inform you to the extent where you will feel you have read something which you wanted to. Get your copy today – it is available at a greatly reduced price now. The book is reprinted and the publisher, Highbrow Scribes Publications, has brought down the price from Rs 275 to Rs 215. In addition, you will have one more story in this edition as the book has 21 stories now instead of 20.

Divine Grace Public School

Today I went to Guru Kripa Divine Grace Public School to see Chhabi Madam, the manager, the founder of the leading institute at Bahraich. I had a long talk with her about my book Snippets of Life Music and was overwhelmed by her kindness and hospitality. It was just an opportunity to see a person with such a wide range of spiritual as well as academic knowledge. I presented her with my book in token of my thanks.

अवधी बोली साहित्य में ग्राम्य दर्शन

The following article by me was broadcast on All India Radio, Lucknow on 22 Oct 2019 at 6.20 pm. अवधी हिन्दी की एक उपभाषा है । यह उत्तर प्रदेश के अवध क्षेत्र में कई रूपों में बोली जाती है, जैसे: पूर्वी, कोसली, पश्चिमी, गांजरी, बैसवाड़ी आदि । क्षेत्र के हिसाब से अवधी को तीन भागों में बाँटा जा सकता है : लखीमपुर-खीरी, सीतापुर, लखनऊ, उन्नाव और फतेहपुर की बोलियां को पश्चिमी, बहराइच, बाराबंकी और रायबरेली की बोलियां को मध्यवर्ती और गोंडा, फैजाबाद, सुलतानपुर, प्रतापगढ़, इलाहाबाद, जौनपुर और मिर्जापुर की बोलियाँ को पूर्वी । आचार्य रामचन्द्र शुक्ल ने इसे देसी भाषा की संज्ञा दी है । अवधी के प्राचीनतम चिन्ह सातवीं शताब्दी से मिलते हैं जिसे प्रारंम्भिक काल के नाम से जाना जाता है । इसकी अवधि 1400 ई. तक माना गया है । विद्वानों ने इसका मध्यकाल- 1400 से 1900 तक तथा आधुनिक काल- 1900 से अब तक माना है । अवधी के मध्यकाल को इसका स्वर्ण काल कहा जा सकता है क्योंकि इसी दौरान प्रेमाख्यान काव्य व भक्ति काव्य दोनों का विकास हुआ। प्रेमाख्यान का प्रतिनिधि ग्रंथ मलिक मुहम्मद जायसी रचित ‘पद्मावत’ है, जिसकी रचना ‘र...

Akhil Bharteey Sahitya Parishad

Akhil Bharteey Sahitya Parishad held its monthly meeting at Senani Bhawan, Bahraich on November  10, 2019 and celebrated the end of 400-year-old issue of Lord Ram’s Place of Birth. The Parishad also elected me to serve as the General Secretary of its Bahraich unit.

Ram Janm Bhoomi

Another impossible possible became.The SC verdict on Ram’s Place of Birth issue is impartial, fair and acceptable by all of the parties. It is neither against anyone nor in favour of anybody – Lord Ram, who has ever been the identity of India, got back the land where he was born. It has never had anything to do with Hindus nor with Muslims; it has been the issue created by politics. The Supreme Court has plucked Ram from the whirlppol of politics today and put an end to the 400-year-old contentious issue. However, the constructive contribution of the Modi Government to it cannot be ignored. The Prime Minister has been dealing with the controversial issues one by one successfully only because his system of governance is based on integrating the parts of society into a coherent whole. In a divided society it could not have been possible. Saturday, 09 November 2019 अयोध्या में राम जन्म भूमि वनाम बाबरी मस्जिद लगभग चार शादियों से हिंदू और मुस्लिम के बीच विवाद का कारण थी | कितने मौत...


May you shine like twinkling Deeps; Joy and success you get in heaps; House be filled with fabulous wealth; You be blessed with excellent health.                                                         Best wishes from  Ramesh Chandra Tiwari


माँ जगदम्बा के पुत्र भगवान गणेश हैं और माता लक्ष्मी के पुत्र महाप्रभु हनुमान जी हैं | किन्तु पाल पोश कर बड़ा करने के लिए दोनों माताओं ने अपने पुत्रों को अदल बदल लिया था | इसीलिए हनुमान जी महाराज बल और शक्ति के देवता हैं तो गणेश भगवान धन के देवता हैं | धन और बल दोनों अलग नहीं रहते – जहाँ धन है वहीं बल है या जहाँ बल है वहीं धन है | धनतेरस धनी व शक्तिशाली होने का त्योहार है | आदि माता हमें स्वस्थ, समृद्ध और शक्तिशाली बनावें !


The world will greet you with a smile If on your lips you yourself have a smile. A crying baby no one willingly bears; There’s no room in the eyes for tears. दुनिया स्वागत करती उसका जिसके ओठों पर मुस्कान | रोता बच्चा क्या लगता अच्छा ? आँसू पाते क्या आँखो में स्थान ?

PM Modi Returns from US

PM Modi has made a triumphal entry into Delhi to the sound of thunderous applause. There is no doubt that he is now one of the most prominent and popular premiers of the world and, as a result, the country too has gained an international reputation. We had decades of domination by our neighbouring countries, but now we have achieved political domination of them all only because of our Prime Minister’s Charismatic leadership.

'लोक साहित्य में ग्राम्य जीवन'

जुलाई 18, 2019 को आकाशवाणी लखनऊ द्वारा 'लोक साहित्य में ग्राम्य जीवन' विषय पर मेरी एक भेंटवार्ता प्रसारित हुई थी जिसका कुछ अंश निम्नवत है । इसी तरह 'अवधी बोली साहित्य में ग्राम्य दर्शन' विषय पर मेरे द्वारा प्रस्तुत वार्ता की रिकार्डिंग दिनांक 15 अक्तूबर 2019 को होनी है । यह आपको 22 अक्तूबर को सायं 6.20 बजे आकाशवाणी पर उपलब्ध होगा । 'लोक साहित्य में ग्राम्य जीवन' आज भी हमारे देश की जनसंख्या का बड़ा हिस्सा परंपरावादी लोगों का है । ये लोग या तो अशिक्षित लोग हैं या अल्प-शिक्षित लोग हैं । ऐसे लोगों द्वारा जो स्वाभाविक साहित्य उत्पन्न होता है उसी को लोक साहित्य कहते हैं । सामान्यतः स्थानीय भाषा में गाये जाने वाले गीत, पचरा, भजन, मांगलिक कार्यक्रमों में प्रचलित सोहर व गारी, विभिन्न ऋतुओं में गायी जाने वाली कजरी, धमाल, बच्चों को सुलाने के लिए कहानियाँ व लोरी इत्यादि हमारे लोक साहित्य के अंग हैं । इस साहित्य में मुख्य रूप से ग्रामीण जीवन का चित्रण मिलता है और हमारी प्राचीन संस्कृति और जीवन शैली को जीवंत प्रस्तुत करता है । यूँ तो लोक-साहित्य का प्रचलन केवल गावों तक ह...

PM Modi Addressing to UNGA

PM Modi gave an impressive speech at UN today. He focused on his policy on cleanliness, welfare schemes, protection of the environment and peace and harmony. He raised his concerns about terrorism, indicating that it is a collective responsibility to combat it. He said, “I come from that country which has given Buddh to the world instead of Yuddh.” He talked of India’s Motto: “Public welfare through public participation” and “Inclusive growth by collective efforts". A big crowd of Indian Americans gathered outside the UN Headquarters, chanting Modi, Modi !!! At the same time, a large and excited crowd of Baloch people protested against Pakistan’s inhuman treatment of them.

Howdy Modi!

PM Modi visits America where he is warmly received by the top American officials; a red carpet has been laid out from his plane door to the car waiting for him. Now when PM Pakistan, Mr Imaran Khan arrives at the American air port, he is received by his own men only with a doormat treatment. This is the difference between a civilized community and an extremist community. The whole world is excited to see the Prime Minister at NRG Stadium, Houston. It is the mark of our prominence, excellence and strength that we have developed under PM Modi’s leadership. We are proud of him and of this grand 'Howdy Modi!' celebration, promoting our friendship with America.

A Poet Studies Man

A scientist studies nature and a poet studies man. Science finds out an easier way of life whereas poetry discovers how a better life can be lived. However, both of them revolutionize human society. As knowledge evolves and people assimilate new ideas, techniques and information, beliefs and social order change. Read Snippets of Life Music and see if it updates you on a better way to a successful life. A computer connected by the Internet is not friendly to our eyes and mind. We often lose patience to read a serious book on the computer or mobile phone. But a paperback edition always feels pleasant and helps us enjoy a book to the full. Find a copy of #SnippetsofLifeMusic and see how it soothes and refreshes your tired mind with delightful and exotic ideas. Let me also assure you this book will not only repay the small amount of money you spend on it but also give you something which money cannot buy. Those who love money too much do not think of anything else as much as they thin...

Get What Twenty Novels can Offer

A novel is a long story about some imaginary events and therefore takes up a lot of your time. If it is one that stimulates your curiosity by its early pages, you are sure to keep reading whatever lies ahead. But in the end, it is not certain that it will pay off. #SnippetsofLifeMusic is a collection of twenty short stories: each a few pages long but with contents of a wholesome novel. By reading this single book, you are going to get what twenty novels can offer. Just try on and you will be amazed to see it is not an exaggeration. If you cast a cursory glance at the stories in Snippets of life Music, you are going to find them quite simple. But if you read them carefully, you will be amazed to get something exciting and interesting. The deeper you go, the more you will enjoy the different shades of meaning, connotations and subtexts. The book does not have conventional stories with some accounts of how something happened or descriptions of some invented events aimed at entertainin...

A Cornucopia of Unexplored Ideas

Generally, people do not risk purchasing a book which is not popular, whereas a book receives a quick boost not because it is better than others but because it has been advertised very heavily or the author has excited comment by passing some controversial remark. One day I happened to meet a book vendor who was selling novels and other sorts of fiction books. I asked him to sell my book, Snippets of Life Music. He took no time to reply and said, “Babuji, nobody will buy it until it is well-known like those by great authors.” Well, you wait, I reflected, you’ll be selling it second-hand. Good wine needs no bush: the book is exceptional – it may take time but will need no ad campaign. Big publishing houses today avoid accepting a work by some new author, however remarkable and impressive it is; rather, they prefer a potboiler or a manuscript by some famous person no matter how below par it is. Generally, science students are so busy with their studies that they seldom find time t...

Good Stories Inspire Children

Art and music appeal even to infants. Play a sweet music or sing a melodious song – you will see it responding to it. Let it grow a little older and its cognition be a bit sharp; the child will listen to your stories, mulling over events. Slowly they will start to imitate their hero in the story. A good story helps children build up their confidence, gain good habits and develop an inquiring attitude to learning.  Once mothers used to tell stories or sing soothing lullabies to their young children to help them go to sleep. These children, inspired by the stories, grew up to be respectable, courteous and disciplined. Tolstoy’s stories have the power to change one’s view of life; Aesop’s fables can make its reader a perfect man. Now with people having a casual attitude towards literary books and sociological studies, the society has been led astray and uncontrollable children grow into young criminals.  Read SnippetsofLifeMusic; it caters for all levels and each one is sur...

Feedback from my Readers

The following is some feedback from the learned readers of my book, Snippets of Life Music: S uresh Kr Pandey I read it last night,very beautiful story. About ‘The Girl’ Bill Adkins I enjoyed the Fantasy read!! Julie Tu Ramesh, FANTASTIC! A riveting read; wonderfully crafted. My hair's name is Makiko and that's exactly the type of fear she inspires in men. LOL! : ) Pawan Kumar just read two stories from the link. You are great sir. You should get these published as a book. Sanjay Singh: Read ur article,fantastic way to express in indian context, keep alive spirit,let the world know tiwari ji from Bahraich can turn the table of writers . Chitra Lele A nice play on words---depicting the tug of war between emotion and reason (y) best wishes Ramesh Tiwari Sir (Walls of Hesitation) Your book is certainly a melting pot of wondrous tales. I can't wait to read it Ramesh Tiwari Sir. Pramod Srivastava धन्यदाव तिवारी जी। कल आपकी कहानी पढ़ी थी। बहुत अच्छी लगी, प्रतिय...

A Judas

Read my latest short story under the title ‘A Judas’ that I wrote the month before last and that has just been published in the leading journal Criterion. See how a person whose job is to persuade people into buying a service or into giving their support often shows a lack of conscience and does not hesitate to act in a dishonest or immoral way in order to get what they want. It is not because they are fundamentally unscrupulous but because evasive and unpredictable people compel them to be.

The Universe Obeys God

Nobody can make one do anything devotedly unless one is inclined to do that, and this is why it can be said that the universe obeys God. Even lifeless things do as they are told by Him. In 'Snippets of Life Music' there is a story of a father who tries his best to bring his children up as he wanted them to be but ultimately fails. Thus the story conveys how God manages and controls the world and how He is concerned about all sorts of jobs, both good and bad, as either of them helps the world running. Here is an excerpt from the story: Lost in the daydream, Dayanand reached home earlier than usual, but as he found his sons in the bed, he started to suspect that they had always been sleeping till late in the morning. He also remembered that he had found them watching TV when one day he came home from work earlier. Perhaps his sons did not dedicate themselves to their studies, he thought. All he dreamed about them was mere his dream and it was not going to come true. He, howev...

Mobile Phone

Mobile is much more harmful than what it gives to the world. It has become a threat to normal family life, to the dynamics of the social system and also to the ecosystem. The coming generation will read in the books “once there were birds that used to sing sweet songs in the morning” or “family members would sit together in the evening to enjoy idle gossips”. Constant use of mobile brings on a headache and leads to feelings of depression and fatigue. The time is not far away when we will end up becoming a robot or losing our civilization. There is an exquisite story about birds in my book, Snippets of Life Music – read it. Here is an excerpt from the story: I was a little late because of the pause, so I made straight for the backyard from where a short and high-pitched sound of contact calls was coming. “What? The warblers have arrived first?” I said to myself as I hurried towards the veranda. The regular guests of mine were drifting along the platform, flying and landing freque...

Ex-Finance Minister, Sri Arun Jaitley

A pillar of Indian law has fallen down; a voice of logic and reason has quietened; the gone by solemnity of the Upper House will live on; and above all, it is difficult if not impossible for the country to compensate for a wise, respected and experienced leader. We mourn the passing of our worthy ex-Finance Minister, Sri Arun Jaitley. We pray that his soul rest in peace and his family and friends have strength to stand the great loss!

Govind Damodar Madhveti

I pray that I never forget you, Hey Krishna, hey Yadav, hey Sakheti! I sing, unconditionally loving you, ‘Govind Damodar Madhveti’. I wish before my eyes you to be, Play on the flute you to watch And to be enchanted you to see When it is time to breathe my last.                                                   Composed today – Ramesh Tiwari  

Awareness of Cleanliness

'Snippets of Life Music' has a one-act-play. Read it and see how the 'Clean India Movement' brings awareness of cleanliness. Here is an excerpt of the play: THIRD BOY. What are you frowning at us for? [Warningly] Mind, we’ll continue to dump the rubbish against your gate until you go door to door, demanding an apology for the mess you have been making and assuring them that you will give up your ways. BHALLU [shouting at the youths] Don’t you try to be funny with me, young men, and carry away this rubbish! ALL THE BOYS [standing round Bhallu, in a circle holding hands and then going round singing] Bhallu uncle, Bhallu uncle! Raise your hands now and surrender. Won’t we dump waste at your gate priority hygiene if you make. Help us keep our community clean; use not bags of polythene. Health and wealth all stay there neat and clean it is wherever. Clean India join dear uncle, lead us and be its messenger. BHALLU [dancing and singing in the circle] My dear boys, my dear ...

Article 370 with 35A

There is no law like 35A that provide special right and advantage for the people of Pak-occupied Kashmir. Why should there be one for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Congress never liked to touch this fake law because they preferred power to the territorial integrity of the nation. The Modi government has been making history by introducing legislation which has never been imagined to be possible. Wait, this government will solve every problem that congress had ever been nourishing and projecting as critical. One integrated India today – from Kashmir to Kanyakumari! The two brave surgeons, PM Modi and HM Amit Shah, operated on India to relieve the old head sore, 370 with 35A, which had long been fostered by Congress with the express purpose of appeasing a particular ethnic group. Every nationalist including the architect of Indian Constitution was sidelined when this ugly article was introduced. Mother India finally wins her complete freedom today. Today the Upper House also passe...

My Masterpiece

If you cast a cursory glance at the stories in Snippets of life Music, you are going to find them quite simple. But if you read them carefully, you will be amazed to get something exciting and interesting. The deeper you go, the more you will enjoy the different shades of meaning, connotations and subtexts. The book does not have conventional stories with some accounts of how something happened or descriptions of some invented events aimed at entertaining people. They are serious and of lasting value: likely to be numbered among the masterpieces of classical literature. So it is recommended that you read the book multiple times. You will understand a story at a much deeper level and catch more subtle and finer nuance of views and emotion, each time you read one.

Triple Talaque

Most of us are fathers and mothers of a daughter or the coming generation will also be parents to daughters. I wonder why they favour such traditions that make women more vulnerable. Triple Talaque cannot be considered as the humane treatment of women. Everyone should appreciate the efforts of Prime Minister Modi that he made to have this Bill finally passed. However, our society is not an absolute open society and there are not sufficient opportunities for young women. In this atmosphere, greater liberty for women is not good for them. The freer they are, the more likely it is that they will be misused by men.

The Insolent Conductor

Here is an excerpt from a story in ‘Snippets of Life Music’. You will certainly find that the book is really a very fine buy or it is what you have been looking for:  The oppressive afternoon heat was insufferable because the roof of the stopped bus was getting hotter and the wind was gusting in through the door like flames. People sat waiting impatiently for the door to be shut and the bus to start, but the insolent conductor did not budge. He stood, calling passengers and looking around as though he were the very owner of the bus together with its passengers. When the passengers became deeply irritated by the conductor’s behaviour, they started shouting at him. But he walked to and fro on the pavement, looking for more passengers. Slowly, the clamour rose high. ‘We’ll take another bus.’ ‘Friends, let’s leave this bus if he does not listen to us.’ ‘Leave him crying for passengers until late evening – he deserves it.’ It was only when a few of them came at the door with thei...

Up-Front Attitude.

‘Snippets of Life Music’ is one of the best short story collections. Someone who reads a story will read all them because, on the one hand, they are exciting and stretch the imagination and, on the other, they pass on surprising facts. The following is an excerpt from a story:  “Are you a Brahmin?” inquired Azaz. “They say I’m,” said the driver drily. “What does the tilak on your forehead signify?” “The same as what your beard.” “I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow you,” said Azaz, looking rather perplexed. “I mean it’s simply a religious symbol and I can’t expect God to be happy with me just because I wear a tilak.” “You’re very upfront about religion.” “I think you’ll like one like me,” reposted the driver. “Do you have respect for a religion?” “I’ve great faith in God and firmly believe in the power of prayer, but I hate religion because it’s like the duckweed that grows on the surface of the society and stops the natural flow of it. Now I needn’t add that still water becomes dir...

A Description of Rainy Weather

A storyteller often describes weather conditions (wind, sun, rain or cold) in his account of some event that a story contains. Read an excerpt from Snippets of Life Music and see how the rain finally brings blessed relief from the heat :- "As the month of July drew near, Mitrasen was more excited about living with his brother in Lucknow. One afternoon, it looked as though the sultry weather would put a full stop at the end of every sentence of life. People stayed up late because the heat and humidity was insufferable. But late at night, an east wind came to inform people of a huge dance party. Dark clouds gathered; lightning flashed; thunder boomed; and a storm arose. The rain ultimately started beating against the walls. Nature behaved as if he was drunk. Trees danced rhythmically, swaying their heads to the peals of thunder and to the music played by the rain. Heaven flashed lights on them every now and again. All three members of the family lay wakeful all night because wat...

Arriving Late

Here's an excerpt from the book: The angry in charge turned back to face him, frowned at him and asked, ‘Do you know what time it is?’ ‘Sir, I’m not too late – only 10 minutes,’ replied Mr Shukla very politely. ‘You think 10 minutes have no value, do you? Go and ask them who are standing in a queue at the counter - they will tell you the value of every second. Mr Shukla, it simply won’t do!’ ‘You can depend on me to deal with the situation. You’ll soon see these people going out cheerfully. Well, you know, I’d not have left you alone here if my wife hadn’t been ill.’ The boss calmed down a bit. He asked him to see to the arrangements, and then continued walking like before. It looked as though he had made up his mind to go on at all the late comers that day. A little while later Ashok Gupta arrived. ‘Mr Gupta, you’re the head of the accounts department, aren’t you?’ he asked, looking straight at him. ‘It’s obvious, Sir,’ came the brusque reply. ‘And to meet the requirements of ...


Here's an Excerpt from the book: ‘Where’re you going at this witching hour?’ growled Sheela as she got up. ‘You know Jagannath?’ whispered Rohit. ‘His wife is about to....’ ‘We purchased the car to do this sort of thing?’ she broke in. ‘Go and tell him the car has already broken down.’ ‘Do you know what’ll happen? She might die if I did not take her to hospital.’ ‘Let her. Suppose we don’t have the car – what will he do then?’ ‘God will send a chariot to take her back or to hospital. Mind you, one’s moral fibre is more valuable than one’s wealth; to be of service to others is the soul of humanity, but to lend a hand is to obey God without question.’ ‘Keep your moral lessons to yourself,’ she muttered, ‘and go back to bed. I am going to turn him down myself. You know, if you don’t slave your conscience, such things will happen every next day.’ ‘Housewives that are kept confined have very limited space in their minds and therefore are often selfish and snobs, have irritating habi...

Heavenly Justice Comes into Play

Read a story in Snippets of Life Music that shows how politicians, the police, the court and musclemen treat the common people and how heavenly justice comes into play when worldly justice turns a blind eye. The story aims to cover three aspects of social life: first, it describes how people clash sometimes on account of their wrong judgments and suffer a terrible loss for nothing; second, it portrays the corruption among those who are responsible to maintain law and order; third, it represents favouritism giving rise to public reaction. Here's an excerpt from the story: ‘Devil, you see things through the wall!’ groaned Ranjeet. ‘Where’s that lane behind my house?’ ‘That space has been covered over by your backyard, blocking off our way to the neighbouring colony,’ Maiku countered in a firm voice. ‘The property-dealer divided up the whole strip of the land equally between you, me and Bhallar. He planned a street in front of them with a 3-feet wide alley behind them. They both ru...

An Old Fable

My granddad used to tell a story about a hermit and parrots which is immensely popular in India. I have retold this ancient fable in English under the title ‘Hermit and His Disciples’. To enjoy this fable translated from Sanskrit into English, Here's an extract: The following month he asked them to repeat the whole sentence (A trapper may come here, spread a net, strew it with grain, but we won’t fall into the trap.) after him. The parrots successfully started doing that, too, and had to undergo this sort of exercise for the whole of this month. Then, in the third month of their exercise, each one of them was asked to recite the saying to the class. Finally, from the fourth month onwards, the parrots began to chant it all the time. One day a trapper really came there. But when he listened to what the parrots were chanting, he was disappointed. At first he thought to retrace his way, then later he decided that he would do his job no matter what the result. He spread the net on th...