Wednesday 30 December 2020

The Rise of NaMo and New India

My second book 'The Rise of NaMo and New India' is going to appear next month.The whole world knows who Shri Narendra Modi is, but very few know why he has such a vast expanse of power base. This wonderful book can answer every question about NaMo, a name synonymous with victory and possibility.

Saturday 26 December 2020

PM Modi’s Loyalty

It was a summer morning and the occasion of Guru Purnima. Param pujya Sadgurudev, Swami Paramanand ji Maharaj was sitting in a chair on the first floor veranda of Akhand Paramdham Ashram at Haridwar. Swami Jyotirmayanand ji and bade bhai Sri Sheetal Prasad ji were sitting on the mat near Gurudev’s chair. A group of devotees sitting opposite them were singing bhajans. I and Alok chose to sit behind all of them so that we could enjoy bhajans and seeing Gurudev. When Gurudev raised his head, he happened to see us. “Look , there sits our patrakar,” he said to Sheetal, pointing to me. “Call out to him.” I walked over to Gurudev.

He looked at me. “Do you doubt PM Modi’s loyalty to the nation?” he asked.

“I don’t think his allegiance to the countrymen or his honesty can be called into question,” I replied.

“Yes, you’re right,” he agreed. “He is pushing ahead with modest reforms to every field, thus trying to make India self- dependent. But a few diehards are out to stop that. Since change is often painful, he persuades people of the need for change.”

Thursday 26 November 2020

Nature is Our Real Mother

Nature is our real mother and father;

She is the true nurse, also the doctor.

Nobody can be as caring as nature;

Nobody else will ever love us deeper.

Nature yearns to hold us in her lap,

But we from her loving arms escape.

Corona loves to live in the lap of luxury -

It cannot stay long in the country.   

Saturday 14 November 2020

The dream of the Ram devotees has come true!

The dream of the Ram devotees has come true! This Deepawali is special for them and the countrymen, for the long-awaited Ram temple has started to build and our Lord Ram ji will sit on his royal throne again after five centuries. Ayodhya, the glorious capital city of Awadh, is illuminated with multi-coloured lights and 6 lakhs of deeps. The entire nation is greatly happy today; people express their deepest gratitude to PM Modi and CM Yogi. May this Deepawali bring back our old glory! 

Here is how you can make your Deepawali an exclusively happy festival. Your king is your first parent, guardian and means of protection. So do everything that pleases King Ram. Now do your best to make your children happy; then try your best to see your wife’s face/husband’s face lit up with pleasure. Finally, do not forget to keep your parents happy. Mind, only a happy family celebrates Deepawali. May Diwali bring you health, wealth and overwhelming joy and happiness!

A rich man celebrates Deepawali with pricey sweets and crackers and by illuminating his castle with coloured lights. He may not be as happy as a poor peasant who has a loaf to eat with a pinch of salt and an earthen lamp to light on the festival of Diwali that brings happiness not to a few only but to all. Happy Deepawali everyone!

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Your Amusing Companion


‘Snippets of Life Music’ is a garden of exotic flowers;

Like a butterfly feeding on them spend a few hours.

With the smell of blossoms the garden is perfumed;

To the tastes of both young and old the book is tuned.

Like alcohol the stories will act quickly on your brain;

A single one is enough to ease your mind, your pain.

Monday 26 October 2020


कल सब कुछ अच्छा था आज वैसा नहीं है

ये भ्रम है ऐसा नहीं है

कल भी हम असंतुष्ट थे

दुनिया से रुष्ट थे

उम्र के साथ निगाहें बदलीं, अंतर उभरे

कल के बुरे आज अच्छे लगे

दुनिया से जितने अधिक परिचित हुए

खिले हुए फूल मुरझाए से दिखने लगे

दुनिया तो वही है

सिर्फ़ चीज़ें इधर की उधर हुई हैं

Wednesday 5 August 2020

Bhoomi Pujan

The people of India had been waiting a long time for this day to arrive. 5th of August is not an ordinary day: it is the day of our self-importance, self-reliance; it is the day that has certified that we have known who we are; it is the day that has sparked the revival of our confidence; it is the day that has opened the door of our centuries-old glory; it is the day of the awakening of the national consciousness in people. Shri Narendra Modi is not only the Prime Minister of India, but the real leader of the people of India. Let us celebrate this day as Deepawali because our Lord Ram has returned after 500 years of exile.

Sunday 2 August 2020

रक्षाबन्धन 2020

आदमी आदमी की खुशी निगल गया,

सीने में प्यार पिघल कर बह गया

सारे संसार की सत्ता पर धीरे धीरे

राक्षस पिसाच का फिर कब्जा हो गया  

असूरों के हाथों में बम है बीमारी है,

जनता बेचारी के हक में लाचारी है

कितनी भयानक हो गयीं है हवाएँ आज, 

बहनों की राखी में भी कितनी दुश्वारी है

लेकर त्रिशूल हे महादेव आ जाओ !

तेरे भक्तों पर विपत्ति बहुत भारी है

रक्षाबन्धन के शुभ अवसर पर द्रवित हृदय से शुभ कामनाएँ !

Thursday 30 July 2020

भारत विजय गीत गायेगा

जनसँख्या बृद्धि से जनता जिस भी दिन चिन्तित होगी,

राष्ट्र चेतना स्वार्थ साधना पर जिस दिन विजयी होगी,

जिस दिन हम खैरात विरोधी वोट डालने जाएंगे,

जिस दिन हम अपने ही ऊपर निर्भरता ले आएंगे,

चिल्लायेगा चीन पाक का पाप उतर जायेगा,

झुक जाएगी दुनिया भारत विजय गीत गायेगा ।

Wednesday 29 July 2020

राम जी क्षत्रीय नहीं थे

परशुराम जी ब्रह्मण थे, राम जी क्षत्रीय थे, हनुमान जी बनवासी थे और कृष्ण जी यादव थे ऐसा कहने वाले, समझने वाले और अपने जाति वाले भगवान पर ही निष्ठा रखने वाले दम्भी अल्पग्य बतावें कि नारायण किस जाति के हैं, महादेव किस जाति के हैं, जगत जननी माइ किस जाति की है राजनीति कुछ भी करो किन्तु विभिन्न रूपों में हमारे प्रभु की मर्यादा सीमित मत करो राम जी क्षत्रीय नहीं थे वे एक क्षत्रीय के महल में प्रगट हुए थे, कृष्ण जी यादव नहीं थे वे एक यादव परिवार में प्रगट हुए थे, परशुराम जी एक ऋषि के घर में प्रगट हुए थे ये सभी ईश्वर के वे स्वरूप थे जिन्होने आतंकियों, अत्याचारियों को नष्ट किया था किसी जाति विशेष को नहीं कोई बता सकता है हनुमान जी जंगल में रहने वाले लोगों के एक घर में कैसे पैदा हुए थे ? इस पर जातिगत राजनीति अपने धर्म के साथ धोखा है फिर धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः नहीं हो सकेगा मंगलवार, 28 जुलाई 2020


हमें लगता है कि हमारे देश जैसा सच्चा, नैतिक, नीतिवान, आदर्श, भोला भाला और कोई देश नहीं है, हम दुनिया के सबसे धर्मपरायण लोग हैं । अब जरा निष्पक्ष होकर सोचो हमारे यहाँ न्याय है, सदभावना है, परोपकार है या हमारे यहाँ कोई ऐसी चीज है जिस पर हम भरोसा कर सकते हैं । हमारे यहाँ यदि कोई चीज शुद्ध है तो वह पाखण्ड है । आज हमारे देश में हर व्यक्ति केवल अपने सहारे जी रहा है - कोई सहयोग करने वाला नहीं है । हाँ, हमारे पास एक सहारा है, एक भरोसा, एक आस विश्वास है, उसका नाम राम है । जहाँ राम है वहीँ जीवन है जहाँ राम नहीं वहां आत्महीन गति है । बोलो, राम राम राम राम !!! जय सिया राम जय जय हनुमान, संकट मोचन कृपा निधान ।। बोलो, रघुपति राघव राजा राम, पतीत पावन सीता राम ।। भज गोविंदा भज गोपाला, भज मुरली मनोहर नंदलाला ॥

Sunday 26 July 2020

The Principal

One day I visited the Principal of Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bahraich. She was very busy in her office, so she asked me to take only a few minutes to tell her what was my concern. I gave her a copy of Snippets of Life Music. ‘Madam, you have been a professor of English,’ I said. ‘I’d like to take this opportunity of asking you to read this book. I’ll come back next week to know if it appealed to you and you think it is useful for your students.’ ‘Okay,’ she replied.

When I went to see her again next time, she greeted me very cordially and went all praises for me. ‘Your book is a good read, well worth reading,’ she said with a gentle smile. ‘It impressed me with its deep thoughts expressed in elegant simplicity. It is entertaining is one thing, but since it suggests lots of good ideas in well-structured sentences, it is useful for a variety of purposes.’ She paused for a moment and then pressed the bell. A boy came in. ‘Go and tell the librarian to come to me here,’ she said to him. You know, she instructed the librarian to purchase ten copies of the book for the college library.

Saturday 25 July 2020

माल वरना विकेगा नहीं

दुनिया कितनी अजबो-गजब हो गयी
हाल-चाल लेने में भी धंधा कर गयी ।

नया कुछ बना लिया यह काफ़ी नहीं,
लोगों में ज़रूरत की ज़रूरत है पहले,
माल कैसा भी हो वरना विकेगा नहीं ।

मौत के ख़ौफ़ से बाज़ार बन सकता है,
लाशों के ढेर से ही कफ़न बिक सकता है,
फैला दो जहर इस जहाँ में यहाँ वहाँ,
नहीं तो दौलत से खजाना भरेगा नहीं !

Sunday 19 July 2020


A true devotee of the Being Supreme

Forgets their own being to remember Him.

But then again, if you know who you are,   

To the ultimate truth the world is no bar.

He is the maker, the destroyer is He;

Both pleasure and pain is none but He.  

He is immortal and also corporeal;

Only He is perfect, complete and real.

He is movement and stillness is He;

He is the universe or all and all is He.

Mahadev is Mahakal, the great sense,

Matter massive and energy immense.

                                Jai ho Bhole Baba ki !!!

Friday 17 July 2020

दुनिया हमको ठग लेती है

आया नया वर्ष, दीवाली, होली आई,

अति उमंग में कली कली मुस्काई,

झूठे सपनों में भ्रमित हुई तरुणाई ।

कुछ अच्छा होगा अच्छे दिन आएँगे,

मन की बगिया में दीवाने गायेंगे,

खुशियों के भौरे गुनगुन शोर मचाएंगे


रवि किरणें कोहरे में उलझी,

खिले पुष्प की साँसें अटकीं,

आत्मदया में शिथिल हो गया,

धरती पर वह पुष्प सो गया


न कुछ देती है, न कुछ लेती है,

ये दुनिया हमको ठग लेती है

-                                                                 - Ramesh Tiwari

Tuesday 14 July 2020

सहमी ज़मीं जहाँ मायूस हो गया

चिंडियों की चहक गायब है,

बंदरों की उछल-कूद गायब है,

अब तो कुत्ते भी जी भर नहीं भौकते,

आदमी जिंदा है उसकी जिंदगी गायब है


त्योहार आते हैं चले जाते हैं,

लोग मरते हैं मर जाते हैं,

अब तो पता ही नहीं चलता कब क्या हुआ,

आँसू बनने से पहले ही सूख जाते हैं


जामाना बेरहम हो गया,

दिल सूख कर दिमाक बन गया,

कुछ घिनौनो ने ऐसा कुछ कर दिया,

सहमी ज़मीं जहाँ मायूस हो गया

                    - Ramesh Chandra Tiwari

Friday 26 June 2020


Stop watching TV or it will make you mentally ill. Corona virus is fatal but it is not as deadly as it is shown on TV. The USA is going to attack China and the world is near to its end. North Korea is building a very powerful hydrogen bomb. China will wage a space war. Humanity is in danger. What is this? All nonsense! Things are not as they are hyped up in the media.

China does not intend a war because it is well aware that if it can destroy India, India will also rub out its existence. In actual fact, a full-scale uprising has sparked there against the government, so by creating a war like situation, it wants to divert the attention of its people. However, if it blunders into war with India, European countries will take advantage of it and they will launch a powerful attack on South-China Sea. 

It is not new for China to occupy the territory of some neighbouring country. It has ever been a thorn in the flesh of Bhutan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan and even Russia including India. India is facing China virus and at the same time it looks unlikely that India will be able to avoid a war with China and Pakistan. 

India is now at psychological war with China. It may escalate into a full-scale war. If it happens, Pakistan and Nepal could be the worst sufferers. 

Sunday 21 June 2020

Ramesh Tiwari: Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali

Ramesh Tiwari: Yoga Sutra Of Patanjali: The United Nations General Assembly declared June 21 as the International Day of Yoga on 11 December 2014. Addressing to UN General Asse...

Thursday 14 May 2020

Covid Relief Package

The Prime Minister announced a new package of Rs 20 lakh crores for Make-in-India and agricultural industry with a view to enabling the country to be self dependent: Now he dreams for an India that will produce everything it needs, aiming to increase exports. His speech also emphasized the importance of our faith in human goodness as our culture has always taught us not to cause harm to humanity in order to take undue advantage of certain situation. Perhaps he did not want to say that our neighbours have lost their humanity in their greed for money. He gave an indication of lockdown-IV with new rules and restrictions. His patience, policies and principles make him stand out from all other premiers of the world. Tuesday, 12 May 2020

India’s Covid Relief Package of 20 lack crores is the largest in the world. It is equal to 10 percent of the GDP. Congress talks of the traditional secured jobs that cannot be provided to more than 5 percent of the total unemployed people and the Modi government is concerned about all of the unemployed youths. Millions of Micro, Small/Medium Entrepreneur units across the country are almost not working properly for the want of fund. A huge amount of Rs 3 Lakh crores allocated to them will boost domestic manufacturing. When they will start working, they will not only produce goods which we import but also generate mass jobs. The government has designed a market-making policy by way of creating a high degree of liquidity through investment in infrastructure and allotment of a huge amount of money for relief schemes. The opposition raises a hue and cry about labour law reforms but they do not talk of how it will lure the companies leaving China. China became rich and powerful only because it provided land and labour to the giant companies of the world. Thursday, 14 May 2020

Animals live more comfortable lives than man; birds feel more secure than man; insects eat and sleep carefree but human beings live in the worst conditions imaginable; worms enjoy fun and freedom but man’s heart is heavy with worries. If there is something meaningless on earth it is man. Millions of labourers are on the roads walking towards their homes or their permanent homes. There is no money, no work but corona lingering on their heads. Their blood and sweat made the callous people become rich but when hard days came they showed no concern for them. They refused to afford their food for a few months. He put his heavy luggage on his head and his wife took her child in her arms and they embarked on a long journey: to travel thousands of kilometres on foot. The sun is blazing down; their faces have been blistered. The child is faint from hunger but her mother is helpless. The family is badly off: not a piece of bread to eat. Nobody is coming forward for their help – for everyone is frightened of corona. China, you will meet a tragic death!

Wednesday 6 May 2020

E-Book of Amazing Stories by the Master Storyteller

Feedback on my book ‘Snippets of Life Music’

Linda Linda: (comments on one of my stories) “What irony, Ramesh. One procrastinates to avoid suffering (an unpleasant task maybe) and yet the act of procrastination causes even more suffering in the long term.”

panindiahindu: RAMESHJI I like your English prose and your ideas.

Julie Tu: It's very funny but I know exactly what you write about. I experience it too but in a different realm. That is what makes your work so elevated, it has a universal message (and is so well crafted, people enjoy the flow within your metric tempo) that even if people do not share the exact same circumstance as your characters, they can relate to them.

Julie Tu: Interesting set up ~ the future of India is at the forefront of many minds

Julie Tu Tek-khiam Chia: follow this author. His English is better than most Americans and his wisdom impeccable.

Chandramohan Upadhyay: I red your article, a well written and quite lucid.

Boundless Blessings by Kamal: What an awesome story Ramesh, superb. You are a great writer.

D. Wallace Peach: Wonderful story, Ramesh. I was intrigued right from the start!

Expressingwings: Sir I came to know about you, and after a long time really got some good work to read, I enjoyed reading your work, we all are indeed just a budding kid in this, your work is an inspiration for us.

Suresh Kr Pandey: I read it last night, very beautiful story. About ‘The Girl’

Bill Adkins: I enjoyed the Fantasy read!!

Pawan Kumar: just read two stories. You are great sir.

Sanjay Singh: Read ur article, fantastic way to express in Indian context, keep alive your spirit - the world will know tiwari ji from Bahraich can turn the table of writers . 

Thursday 30 April 2020

With You in Spirit

Warm in winter and cool in summer,

There are those who forget me never.

I reproach myself for being so selfish,

Though I am always with them in spirit.