Heavenly Justice Comes into Play

Read a story in Snippets of Life Music that shows how politicians, the police, the court and musclemen treat the common people and how heavenly justice comes into play when worldly justice turns a blind eye. The story aims to cover three aspects of social life: first, it describes how people clash sometimes on account of their wrong judgments and suffer a terrible loss for nothing; second, it portrays the corruption among those who are responsible to maintain law and order; third, it represents favouritism giving rise to public reaction.

Here's an excerpt from the story:

‘Devil, you see things through the wall!’ groaned Ranjeet. ‘Where’s that lane behind my house?’

‘That space has been covered over by your backyard, blocking off our way to the neighbouring colony,’ Maiku countered in a firm voice. ‘The property-dealer divided up the whole strip of the land equally between you, me and Bhallar. He planned a street in front of them with a 3-feet wide alley behind them. They both run north-south.’

‘What a fine story!’

‘This is all a story? I’ve concrete evidence to prove it, mind.’

‘Mind your neck, you! I’ll wrench it if…’

‘So you’ll hit me for speaking the truth, will you?’

‘And what am I – a liar?’

‘It’s blatantly obvious....’

‘You arrogant sonofabitch! I’ll teach you to call me a liar!’

‘Can your threats change fiction into truth, by the way?’

‘They can change your foul mouth. Wait it’ll never open again!’

So saying, Ranjeet gave a roar of rage and punched Maiku in the face.


Maiku stood bleeding, his legs failing him. He staggered a few yards, and fell onto a pile of bricks with a moan. He lay thinking of Bhallar, of Ranjeet, of Jata Shanker and also of the police and the advocate. They looked like giants to him, eager to devour his land, his money, his peace. But as he lifted his eyes to seek help from the Lord, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He stood up and to his astonishment he saw.........


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