
Showing posts from March 29, 2015

हनुमान जयंती

हनुमानजी जिनकी प्रबल मुष्टिका प्रहार से राक्षसों में चीख निकलने लगती है , मेघनाथ की हड्डियाँ करक उठती हैं , कुम्भकरण की नींद भाग जाती है , रावण बौखला उठता है , लंकिनी जमीन पर ढनग जाती है वही हनुमान माता सीता की गोद में नन्हें , कोमल , अत्यंत प्रिय शिशु भी होते हैं | रामजी के आत्मा में बसने वाले प्रभु हनुमान जी महराज बहुत भक्त वत्सल हैं | हम उनसे प्राथना करते हैं कि वे हमारी रक्षा करें तथा हमें सद्बुद्धि से प्रकाशित करें | हनुमान जयंती की सबको शुभ कामनायें !

The Reservation

Earlier the benefits reached only a few who not only took the repeated advantage but also were already well-bred and so a large number of the needy could get nothing except for a fake emotional satisfaction, as congress enticed the whole class of SC/ST into voting for them by providing jobs to only a few of them. Now PM Modi has been doing the opposite, trying to benefit the huge group of the real deprived. The ‘Stand-up India’ has done to get these disadvantaged to their feet. आज कोई देश थोड़ा भी कमजोर है तो उसे हड़पने वाले बहुत हैं. सीरिया, इराक़, फ़िलिस्तीन, तिब्बत, ताइवान सहित चीन के इर्द-गिर्द तमाम सारे देशों का अस्तित्व ही ख़तरे में है | ड्रैगन की विस्तारवादी नीति से संपूर्ण एशिया आस्थिर है | तकनीकी विस्तार में होड़ लगी हुई है | सभी प्रभावशाली देश अपने प्रतिभाशाली नागरिकों को संरक्षित कर रहे हैं | भारत की प्रतिभा भेद-भाव वाले क़ानून से हतोत्साहित है | मुगल काल और अँग्रेज़ी हुकूमत में सबकी आवाज़ बन्द थी | आज नोचने के लिए सबको भारत माँ की हड्डी चाहिए - उसकी सेवा करने का कर्तव्य कि...

Human Values

Generally every doctor is burning with a fierce ambition to be rich and in his love for money he is blind to the predicament of a poor sufferer. He has to extort money from his patient no matter whether the patient is poor or rich. Every day he invents a new way for it. For example, he can cure a simple disease without any examination of a part of body, but in his greed for commission, he sends him to a pathologist. Certain doctors are so callous that they take out some precious part of a patient’s body during a surgery and later they sell it at a high price. A doctor is considered to be someone after god – it is an irony that he has become the follower of Satan. It is not only the doctors, who have put their professional ethics aside, but also the judges, lawyers, teachers, engineers, bureaucrats and all. The only thing that concerns them is money – human values have nothing to do with them. The democratic system is turning into its ugliest form not only in India but across th...

Science and Religion

If you analyse things on the basis of the laws of nature, you will see that good and bad, high and low, joy and woe, day and night, small and big etc are but a false perception of human mind. In actual fact, nothing like any of such things exists in the universe. Even the most atrocious crime is not a bad thing, or anything however saintly a good thing. What is good in one situation may be very bad in a different situation. It means a situation or your purpose decides whether a thing is good or bad. Similarly, it is the requirement of your body that decides whether the weather is pleasant or appalling. When you stop witnessing a change, you stop feeling that time runs. If you do not have two points, which you call the beginning and the end, you cannot say how big or small a thing is. However, social laws cannot keep pace with the laws of nature. In social life, you ought to give up what is bad; you ought to be punctual; you ought to consider both small and big things; you ought to fo...