
Showing posts from August 16, 2015

Smoky Clouds of Remembrance

A real look of love on that face is divine – For it is my poetry and Too independent for my efforts; For it gets absorbed in my cells; For nothing else, However beauteous, Can delight me so well. It’s been a long time Since I loved someone – Since I first saw her. And I do not know If the Earth has ever created Another beauty. Anyway, not once, not twice – I am sure – But several times, She too has loved me. But good is good And will ever be. Ah, no more my good one Is between me and none, A compassionate glance Still makes my heart dance. My love, my soul, My cherished hope, You elude me, do you? Though I have none in lieu, Of looking for you I still relish the challenge In those smoky clouds of remembrance. - Ramesh Tiwari  

Nag Panchami or Gudiya Festival

In our golden years of childhood, Shrawan was considered to be the pleasantest month of the year. Our elders used to make a swing, hanging from the branch of an old banyan tree in the front yard. We took turns on it, swinging higher and higher the whole day, and in the evenings we would leave it for women to enjoy it while singing Kajari folk songs: झूला पड़ा कदम की डाली झूलें कृष्ण मुरारी नाय . Today is Nag Panchami or Gudiya Festival. We used to beat dolls with reeds and took part in a wrestling match in the evening and women would apply different Mehndi design patterns on their hands and feet. How happy were those days!   

Our NaMo, the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi is warmly welcomed by the Indian nationals in UAE. Here’s a beautiful poem called ‘Our NaMo, the Prime Minister’: The sun this morning rose with a smile on his face And looked as though he had risen to begin a new age; The breeze at once danced to the music of mountain streams. Who knows what dream the lovely lass Horizon dreams? The birds could not but went mad with the feel of free air And left their nests early to fly in their choice of spheres; The sea that looked very grave suddenly turned choppy And ran its waves to touch coasts, both dry and foggy. Decorating the blue canopy busy are the stars, the moon; Illuminated with fireflies are the trees in the great Room; The flowers too have been giving off a fresh, cool fragrance. It looks like India has achieved something of substance, Or festive Nature waits to welcome the coming of someone. Oh yes, our NaMo is going to take the oath to become PM, So the country is...

वर्षागमन गीत

‘ वर्षागमन गीत ’ शीर्षक कविता मैने 09 जून , 1988 को लिखा था जो बाद में दैनिक युगधर्म रायपुर में 26 जून , 1988 को प्रकाशित हुई । ये ! तेज हवाएँ शीतल , ये ! काले विरले बादल , क्या आता देखा तुमने वर्षा ऋतु रानी का दल  ? सागर से उठते डोली क्या उसकी तुमने देखा  ? गर्जन के मंगल वादन ने तुमको था क्या रोका  ? या आगे-आगे तुम हो उसकी अगवानी करते  ? आ रही है क्या वह पीछे मेघों के रथ पर चढ़के  ? हैं राह देखतीं प्यासी ये कूप , सरोवर , नदियाँ भूतल व वृक्ष , वनस्पति , जन , पशु , निश्चेतन चिड़ियाँ । कह दे तू उसको जाकर वह शीघ्र यहाँ आ जाए , अब सावन से हम सबकी जल्दी ही भेंट कराए । ‘ हैं बाट जोहते सारे बस एक मात्र ही तेरी ’, जा करके उससे कह दे अब और करे न देरी । उसको बतलाना यह भी ऋतुराज यहाँ थे  आये , हर द्रुम को नव पत्रों से उनने थे खूब सजाए । ग्रीष्म ने आकर उन पर लू धूल उड़ाया इतना मुरझाए से हैं वे सब उनका है बन्द मचलना । कहना तत्क्षण ही आये आ करके उनको धोए , निर्वस्त्र धरा को फिर...