
Showing posts from May 1, 2016


You need to be enthusiastic but over-enthusiasm is harmful in every way. One who is deeply involved in one’s job considers oneself better than others and consequently expects greater award. But when by chance they are denied, they become a rebel and it is all up with them. A zealous subordinate is all right but if the head of the office is always too keen on better results and too devoted to the cause of the organisation, he lacks judgement and often, for all his efforts, fails to bring satisfactory results, for he expects all of his juniors to perform like him but when a few of them do not, he gets frustrated and starts working for them himself and thus he is off course, losing his own job of building teams and leading them.     

God is Even-Handed

‘God is Even-Handed’, one of my short stories, has been published. You will be amazed at how you feel the facts which the story bears but never take them seriously. Click on to: A beggar is as content or unhappy with life as a king; a natural pessimist, however, is an exception because he hates the bother of welcoming an opportunity.

The Human Population

The Criterion published ‘The Human Population’, a small but thought provoking poem by me. I am sure you will enjoy reading it. Just click on to: