A Cornucopia of Unexplored Ideas

Generally, people do not risk purchasing a book which is not popular, whereas a book receives a quick boost not because it is better than others but because it has been advertised very heavily or the author has excited comment by passing some controversial remark. One day I happened to meet a book vendor who was selling novels and other sorts of fiction books. I asked him to sell my book, Snippets of Life Music. He took no time to reply and said, “Babuji, nobody will buy it until it is well-known like those by great authors.” Well, you wait, I reflected, you’ll be selling it second-hand. Good wine needs no bush: the book is exceptional – it may take time but will need no ad campaign.

Big publishing houses today avoid accepting a work by some new author, however remarkable and impressive it is; rather, they prefer a potboiler or a manuscript by some famous person no matter how below par it is. Generally, science students are so busy with their studies that they seldom find time to understand people and the tricky situations and, as a result, often fail to show diplomacy in dealing with them. #SnippetsofLifeMusic is not of poor quality aimed at earning money quickly. The short stories in the book are different pictures of society and cover a few of the most important aspects of society. It is therefore the book is a must read.

The book, Snippets of Life Music, has many distinguishing features, but what make it exceptionally rare are diverse topics that it covers. If a story unfolds against a background of legal system, there is some other based on business affairs or political activities. You will find examples of many different technical terms like: scientific, business, social, medical, political, communicative, spiritual, legal, administrative – all in one book.

Snippets of Life Music is neither a collection of comments on some mythology nor of pieces of writing taken from some old books – it is a cornucopia of unexplored and strange ideas. It is a wonderful collection of short stories, which are based on heuristics. 

You will read it today or tomorrow. So why not get your copy today. 


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