
Showing posts from April 7, 2024

बिहारी लाल

अवधी भाषा के इस सवैया छन्द को अनुश्री - कविताएं से लिया गया है। अनुश्री पढ़िए और ऐसी सैकड़ों कविताओं का आनंद लीजिये :  नंदनन्द के धाम अनंद महा, बहु भाय रही ब्रज की फुलवारी । उठि धाय चलो तहँ को सुसखा, सब जाय रहे पुर के नर-नारी ।। बहु रंग के फूल अनन्त खिले, अलि बृंद अचंभित आज अनारी । मन्द गती की समीर सुगन्धित, कंपित पुष्प लता अरु डारी ।। सर कन्चन थाल में पंकज लै, करपै नव चंचल अंचल डारे । स्वागत हेतु खड़ी हरि के, कछु लाज के कारन घूँघुट काढ़े ।। अवलोकत हूँ खग हूँ न उडें, अति आतुर ह्वे धुनिहूँ न सुनावें । आवत देखि के राधे गोपाल, उतावल ह्वे सुधि-बुद्धि नसावें ।।                                                           ~~~~

The Girl - A Romantic Horror

Taken from: Snippets of Life Music                By Ramesh Chandra Tiwari (Take care not to feel afraid!) “All of a sudden the train jolted and then it came to an abrupt halt,” began Jay. “A few minutes later, when it did not start, there rose a babble of voices in the noiseless coaches. Slowly, the news that the engine had failed spread everywhere and with that the passengers started to disembark in ones and twos. At first I decided to remain on my seat, waiting for the train to move, but when it did not budge for a long time, my patience with the sultry air inside snapped and I too got off. The outside atmosphere was white in the bright and silvery moonlight. The people had thronged along the train and were talking to each other. Since I had no friend to talk with, I stood watching them and the surrounding area which looked to be wooded because there was nothing in front of us, but low trees and vegetation as far as the eye could see.” “What ...