
Showing posts from May 26, 2024

Char Sau Paar,

People from all caste and religious communities have supported the Modi Government. The largest group of supporters have voted for the government to let it going and the smallest group of people chose to evade going to vote with the same intention of retaining it. Saturday, 01 June 2024 Thunder and storm may rise; Might be Rahul Gandhi wise; Coated words each with a lie Sir ji may say them goodbye, Char sau paar, char sau paar! Modi great is the North Star! May pets of didi keep on bark; Magic mission get more dark; Put their faith they up for sale; Traitors tell whatever tale, Char sau paar, char sau paar! Modi great is the North Star!                          -Poet Ramesh Tiwari Read  'The Rise of NaMo and New India' for more:

The Lion King was enthroned

A few intruders entered the flowery and fertile forest. They were frightened but when they met with a family of jackals, they began to feel safe. A family of foxes came to join them next month. Now they formed a gang to commit robberies and crimes. Citizens began to fall victim to that band of thieves but they did not have a supportive king. Slowly the group of criminals grew so rich and powerful that they succeeded to take control of the forest. However, the day finally came when the Lion King was enthroned and went out in search of the gang. Suddenly he caught sight of a few animals crouching in a bush. The king and the large herd of his family members headed towards the bush. The criminals got scared and began to make loud, unpleasant noise in an attempt to show they were in larger numbers. The heavy and strong king sprang upon them and in no time mauled them all. A few people motivated by self-interest make media streets clamorous against fearless NaMo. Wait 4th of June is arriving


Tricolour is heartened and becomes care-free, Foreign jackals howl with fear, leave the forest, Forest atmosphere remains festive year-round, Plants bloom and all trees get laden with fruits, Clouds of prosperity rain down on the hard-up, Temple bells ring, faith flourishes, priests chant.   Poet Ramesh Tiwari Kejariwal is mistaken if he believes people support him out of their love for him. Similarly, Rahul Gandhi is under the delusion that people long to see him as the Prime Minister. In truth, the people who support them are the people who hate Modi and Mataram. The supporters of Didi Mamata are not her admirers but the backers of trespassers. Akhilesh or Tejashwi fans are not their devotees but a group of people which puts their own needs ahead of the needs of the country. The regional parties in the South have misled people into being hostile to or prejudiced against Bharateeyata (the customs and culture of the country). Unlike them all, PM Modi ‘s supporters are not mere support


The INDI is a military force on horseback, with its troops armed with swords, bows-arrows, lances and spears. They are battling against NaMo’s armed forces, which are equipped with advanced weaponry like fighter aircraft, missiles etc. The cavalry attacks the artillery like Don Quixote attacked windmills, mistaking them for giants, and was knocked down and also had his lance broken when one of the windmills caught the wind. He still did not admit they were windmills and not giants; instead he blamed Friston for using evil sorcery that, according to him, turned the giants into windmills to steal away his chance of achieving glory. All the parties in the alliance are pygmy goats against the NaMo elephant in the world of politics. Finally, they are sure to lose the elections and allege him that he cast a magic spell on the EVMs. Are you not bored with your country clean and neat? Will the swindlers spend money cleaning your street? Are you not bored with freedom of thought and mind? Will


People connected to some opposition party, people motivated by self interest, people with intention to put India down and people too ready to believe what others tell them form the group that strongly opposes PM Modi, though they deep down believe Modi is the best of all and his government is a boon for the country. Anyway, there are a large number of defectors in the country but not half as large the majority. There is also a group of people without a sense of identity but every time BJP comes to power, they regain consciousness. Moreover, in the past ten years, nationalism has emerged as a force, thereby changing the political and social attitudes and making the path to power difficult for the parties hostile to the majority. Hence nothing can stop PM Modi from sweeping to third term as Prime Minister. Bande Mataram!   Congress is synonymous with corruption; And SP with intimidation and coercion. TMC forces sheep to marry the pet wolves; Over the eyes of the trusting the wool it pu

India the Third Largest Economy

  PM Narendra Modi has kept India on its swift upward path among the world’s largest economies and, as a result, India has emerged as the fifth-largest economy, behind only the US, China, Germany, and Japan. Now he guarantees that during his third term, India will overtake Germany and Japan and be the third largest economic power of the world. Earlier, he had campaigned on the slogan ‘I’ll neither accept bribe nor allow others to take backhanders’. Modifying his slogan, he also vows, “I’ll recover the money looted from the country’s treasury and return it to the legal owners. I won’t let a single drop of the budget and reservation in jobs and education flow into some religious community, as Babasaheb was against religious-based reservation.” Then he added, “Modi is the guardian of the rights of SC/ST/OBC and the deprived.” Chris Wood, one of the best-regarded market strategists in Asia, warns that if Mr. Modi were not re-elected this year, Indian markets could crash by 25 percent or mo