
Showing posts from January 27, 2019

कहानी संग्रह

इस खूबसूरत पुस्तक को मैने 2007 में लिखना प्रारम्भ किया था काफ़ी प्रयास किया किंतु कुछ संतोष जनक नहीं कर सका | 8 जनवरी 2009 की प्रातः मैने परम पूज्य गुरुदेव स्वामी परमानंद जी महाराज से इसके लिए उनके आशीर्वाद की याचना की | उन्होने मेरी लेखनपुस्तिका पर एक वाक्य लिखा जो मेरी सफलता के लिए ईश्वर से उनकी कामना थी | उसके पश्चात मुझे नहीं पता क्या हुआ कि मैं एक के बाद एक अदभुद कहानियों को लिखने लगा | पूज्य गुरुदेव की असीम कृपा से मैने दस वर्षों में २० कहानियाँ लिखीं जिन्होने आज इस पुस्तक का निर्माण किया है | मैंने उनकी इस अनूठी भेंट को उनके चरण कमलों को समर्पित कर दिया है | पुनः यह उन्हीं की कृपा है कि मुझे Highbrowscribes Publications से संपर्क हुआ जिनकी अनुभवी टीम ने इसे सजाकर सुंदर स्वरूप प्रदान किया | जब भी मैं इसे दोबारा पढ़ता हूँ मैं स्वयं चकित हो जाता हूँ कि इसे मैने कैसे लिखा था | यह भाषा, मनोरंजन और उपयोगी जानकारी से संतुलित रूप में वैभवशाली पुस्तक है | यह flipkart और amazon दोनों पर उपलब्ध है | इसे अवश्य पढ़िए और मुझे आगे की कृतियों के लिए उत्साहित करने की कृपा कीजिए |

Interim Budget 2019-20

Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Bonerjee and almost the whole opposition is shocked at how the Interim Budget 2019-20 has been welcomed by all social classes. Now they fail to find suitable words to criticize it. This budget gives people a warm nurturing care so it should be named as Foster Budget. It will support and encourage the common people on the one hand, but on the other, it is going to create an atmosphere of finance in which people will grow in newer opportunities of jobs and business as the market is going to have a high inflow of money. PM Modi’s is the real socialism and Gathbandhan’s model of socialism is the socialism that lives on luxurious tongues and between rosy lips, for these thugbandhan parties have always sold socialism at the highest price. To be true, the UPA can never afford such a huge amount of money which is being dispensed to the marginal individuals.

Highest Honour

The immortal leader, prominent statesman, fabled poet and our 10th Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Bajpai, has ever been creative; he is known for his high-minded principles as it was he who could win the hearts of both his supporters and detractors and influence the houses of Indian Parliament by his consultative, inclusive and participatory governance. The whole world acknowledges his greatness as a statesman but Congress could never see the recognition he had achieved. They conferred the highest civilian honour on Sachin Tendulkar, quite ignoring him. I do not mean the well-known cricketer did not deserve that – I mean the highly acclaimed politician, the role model for the world of politics also deserved Bharat Ratna. Later our worthy PM Sri Narendra Modi took this wise decision and now again he has shown his broad-mindedness by recommending Sri Pranab Mukherjee, a life long Congressman, along with music legend Bhupen Hazarika and social activist Nanaji Deshmukh for the precious award...