Walls of Hesitation

Enjoy the first flush of young love with intense feelings of pleasure and excitement which the best drug of the world cannot produce. Just feel the teenage love that starts instantly but lasts long. Experience the storms of passion and ardour in hearts but forbidden to express: the torment of the restrictions on dating. For fear of being watched he stole a glance; Then again and coveted one more chance. Their accusing eyes were fixed on his face. He pretended not to notice, staring into space. Drink up the bottle of beauty he did yearn, His pain was great but suffering unseen. Walls of Hesitation is an exquisitely written love story. When something bad is bound to happen to someone, he listens to none, nor does he use his own discretion. This is something that happens to the narrator of this story. Now read a charming and uplifting teenage love story 'Walls of Hesitation' that has been taken from my book 'Snippets of Life Music' Jay left his office late on a su...