
Acknowledgement I have been writing this book for the past ten years and now it is time to make a formal acknowledgement to all those who have helped me with it over the years. I am deeply indebted to my employer, Life insurance Corporation of India, for their continued and growing support. I would also like to acknowledge my debt to Awadh University and Kisan Degree College at which I was educated. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Ms Vandana Bhatia Palli, Director, Highbrow Scribes Publications, who managed to arrange the manuscript of my stories in a beautiful way, to dress it in a gorgeously designed cover and finally to give it a book shape. Her team members have left no stone unturned in the zeal with which the book is the only one of its kind. Their highly valued support deserves my grateful thanks. Finally my warmest thanks go to my family and friends for all their help and encouragement throughout the years.