Happy New Year,

I wish your hearts, my friends, go erupting like a volcano this New Year, with magma of desire blasting out through the clogged vent of days gone by and with red-hot lumps of love, scorching fame, molten achievements and clouds of joy and mirth being spewed out. On the carousel of time the day of birth repeats, A Sunday jaunt takes me where we did once meet, A photograph in a pile holds my hand to halt, Over the wall of my memory a face oft does vault, An old song on the radio robs me so well of my soul That I feel nothing but a throb across the inner whole. I find a sweet smell around everywhere I thus go past. Pieces of love I still have, though my love I have lost. O god! Raise the same love for my country in me, So this New Year with each bit of it I could delighted be. Years divide the period of our life and thus give us fresh chance to start with a better plan, skill, experience, enthusiasm and mind-set. Let us determine to reform and be practical...