Up-Front Attitude.

‘Snippets of Life Music’ is one of the best short story collections. Someone who reads a story will read all them because, on the one hand, they are exciting and stretch the imagination and, on the other, they pass on surprising facts. The following is an excerpt from a story: 

“Are you a Brahmin?” inquired Azaz.

“They say I’m,” said the driver drily.

“What does the tilak on your forehead signify?”

“The same as what your beard.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t quite follow you,” said Azaz, looking rather perplexed.

“I mean it’s simply a religious symbol and I can’t expect God to be happy with me just because I wear a tilak.”

“You’re very upfront about religion.”

“I think you’ll like one like me,” reposted the driver.

“Do you have respect for a religion?”

“I’ve great faith in God and firmly believe in the power of prayer, but I hate religion because it’s like the duckweed that grows on the surface of the society and stops the natural flow of it. Now I needn’t add that still water becomes dirty. However, the unique thing about religion is that it introduces us to the Almighty and inspires us to love and worship Him.”


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