The Nepal Earthquake

Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi is a man of decision and action. If it were the UPA government today, Nepal would not have said ‘Thank you India’ because they could have taken minimum three days in deciding anything and by then the Aid would no longer have been required in the changed situation. India is proud of its PM as his quick decision has made a world of difference to the earthquake victims of Nepal. When we think of the modern science, we are puffed up with pride. Sometimes, we think that we can tame nature. Sometimes, we are so ambitious that we think to rule the world and develop our colonies on some other planet. But the Nepal Earthquake shows how helpless are we in the hands of nature. Today no house is left undamaged. Walls and roofs are cracked. One cannot feel safe to stay in any of them. No shop open- nothing is there to eat. Torrential rain and strong winds combine to make condition terrible for the people sitting helplessly in the open air. Man, be man and...