A Description of Rainy Weather

A storyteller often describes weather conditions (wind, sun, rain or cold) in his account of some event that a story contains. Read an excerpt from Snippets of Life Music and see how the rain finally brings blessed relief from the heat :-

"As the month of July drew near, Mitrasen was more excited about living with his brother in Lucknow. One afternoon, it looked as though the sultry weather would put a full stop at the end of every sentence of life. People stayed up late because the heat and humidity was insufferable. But late at night, an east wind came to inform people of a huge dance party. Dark clouds gathered; lightning flashed; thunder boomed; and a storm arose. The rain ultimately started beating against the walls. Nature behaved as if he was drunk. Trees danced rhythmically, swaying their heads to the peals of thunder and to the music played by the rain. Heaven flashed lights on them every now and again.

All three members of the family lay wakeful all night because water was splashing from holes in the thatched roof. But when the rain stopped and the trees rustled gently in the breeze, it was time to get up in the morning.

Yagyasen and Narayani got out of their beds to get ready to go to work. Mitrasen was still asleep. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Narayani..."


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