Acceptance Letter

Dear Friends, I am happy to tell you that another of my stories has been accepted for publication in The Criterion Vol. 8, Issue. I (February 2017) and you are going to enjoy this engaging read on 5th March 2017. The Criterion: An International Journal in English Acceptance Letter To, Ramesh Chandra Tiwari We would like to thank you for considering The Criterion as well as for submitting your work for publication into our Journal. Congratulations! As a result of the reviews and revisions, we are pleased to inform you that your fiction entitled The Justice of the Supreme Being is well appreciated by reviewers in the peer review procedure and is accepted for publication in Vol. 8, Issue. I (February 2017). Your fiction will be published on 5 th March 2017. Looking forward to our continuous and successful collaboration, With kindest regards, Editor-In-Chief Dr. Vishwanath Bite