Mobile Phone

Mobile is much more harmful than what it gives to the world. It has become a threat to normal family life, to the dynamics of the social system and also to the ecosystem. The coming generation will read in the books “once there were birds that used to sing sweet songs in the morning” or “family members would sit together in the evening to enjoy idle gossips”. Constant use of mobile brings on a headache and leads to feelings of depression and fatigue. The time is not far away when we will end up becoming a robot or losing our civilization. There is an exquisite story about birds in my book, Snippets of Life Music – read it. Here is an excerpt from the story:

I was a little late because of the pause, so I made straight for the backyard from where a short and high-pitched sound of contact calls was coming. “What? The warblers have arrived first?” I said to myself as I hurried towards the veranda. The regular guests of mine were drifting along the platform, flying and landing frequently, then whirling around to have fun. I became very happy to see them, then glanced up at the parapet to see what Drut was doing and found him glaring at the birds below with an aggressive call as “Cheii-cheii-whittei-chirrr-it-it”. I was amazed to see his belligerent gesture and, before I could think of anything else, he dived at one of the tiny birds which went into a skid. His unexpected attack scared away all the birds. “Oh, birds too!” I exclaimed in wonder.

Exasperated with Drut, I went to the chair on the veranda and sat down without paying any further attention to him. He came jumping near me but I still took no notice of him, whereupon he started flying up and down in front of me. Now I could not help myself – I had to look at him. He finally went back to the floor.

“You mean you don’t want other birds to join you?” I said to him fretfully, leaning over him. “Look, I love all the birds that come here and have enough things to feed them all. Besides, birds cannot drink all the water in the well, however large be their number. If you think you’re going to share something with them, you’re very much mistaken. In future, make sure no one is discriminated against.”

When he inferred I was not pleased, he flew up and sat on the table facing me, now warbling in a sweet voice. “You’re sorry perhaps?” I continued, but soon realized that he can communicate his present feelings only.


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