Arriving Late

Here's an excerpt from the book:

The angry in charge turned back to face him, frowned at him and asked, ‘Do you know what time it is?’

‘Sir, I’m not too late – only 10 minutes,’ replied Mr Shukla very politely.

‘You think 10 minutes have no value, do you? Go and ask them who are standing in a queue at the counter - they will tell you the value of every second. Mr Shukla, it simply won’t do!’

‘You can depend on me to deal with the situation. You’ll soon see these people going out cheerfully. Well, you know, I’d not have left you alone here if my wife hadn’t been ill.’

The boss calmed down a bit. He asked him to see to the arrangements, and then continued walking like before. It looked as though he had made up his mind to go on at all the late comers that day. A little while later Ashok Gupta arrived.

‘Mr Gupta, you’re the head of the accounts department, aren’t you?’ he asked, looking straight at him.

‘It’s obvious, Sir,’ came the brusque reply.

‘And to meet the requirements of those people at the cash counter is your responsibility?’ he added.

‘Indeed it is.’

‘Then who do you think would discharge that?’ shouted the boss, his eyes blazing with anger. ‘Do you expect me to run the counter?’

‘But you didn’t think of it on Saturday afternoon when I could not catch even the evening train.’

‘You insolent dog, you’ll teach me how to go about things!’

‘Sir, it’s a breach of protocol – you can’t give any of us a telling off at a public place.’

‘I think I should have given you a severe reprimand on the road.’

‘You’re free then – go and dance there, but don’t you humiliate me like this, mind!’

‘How dare you speak to me like that!’ he responded. ‘Shut your filthy mouth or else...’

‘Or else you’ll expel me from the organisation! Do it if you can.’

‘You the stinking pig of a man!’ shouted Mr Singh, his face contorted with rage. ‘You’re sure to pay for it. You’ll be selling eggs in front of one of our offices.’

A crowd gathered around. Mr Shukla came running. He took the manager’s hand and led him to his chamber. He was shaking with anger as he sat in his chair. A peon entered in with a glass of water and there followed an awkward....


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