S A Children Academy, Annual Function

S A Children Academy, Jaitapur- Bahraich, celebrated its Annual Function under the guidance of Shri Saket Kumar Tiwari, the Manager of the school, Shri Anuj Kumar Shukla, the Principal and the learned teachers. I too had the rare honour of being the chief guest at the meet. Shri Hariom Sharma and the well-known poet of the district, Shri Raghvendra Tripathi, were the special guests, who addressed the assembled company and read a few poems to loud cheers. A series of cultural events were organized by the students of the school. The students who secured highest marks in the year 2021-2022 were awarded different medals and report cards. In a speech to the students I said that early care and education programs for children have lasting positive effects such as school success, higher graduation rates, lower juvenile crime and decreased need for special education services later. On the contrary, if the children are not cared properly, it can have harmful effects on language, social developm...