Good Stories Inspire Children

Art and music appeal even to infants. Play a sweet music or sing a melodious song – you will see it responding to it. Let it grow a little older and its cognition be a bit sharp; the child will listen to your stories, mulling over events. Slowly they will start to imitate their hero in the story. A good story helps children build up their confidence, gain good habits and develop an inquiring attitude to learning. 

Once mothers used to tell stories or sing soothing lullabies to their young children to help them go to sleep. These children, inspired by the stories, grew up to be respectable, courteous and disciplined. Tolstoy’s stories have the power to change one’s view of life; Aesop’s fables can make its reader a perfect man. Now with people having a casual attitude towards literary books and sociological studies, the society has been led astray and uncontrollable children grow into young criminals. 

Read SnippetsofLifeMusic; it caters for all levels and each one is sure to find their favourite story.


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