Article 370 with 35A

There is no law like 35A that provide special right and advantage for the people of Pak-occupied Kashmir. Why should there be one for the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Congress never liked to touch this fake law because they preferred power to the territorial integrity of the nation. The Modi government has been making history by introducing legislation which has never been imagined to be possible. Wait, this government will solve every problem that congress had ever been nourishing and projecting as critical.

One integrated India today – from Kashmir to Kanyakumari! The two brave surgeons, PM Modi and HM Amit Shah, operated on India to relieve the old head sore, 370 with 35A, which had long been fostered by Congress with the express purpose of appeasing a particular ethnic group. Every nationalist including the architect of Indian Constitution was sidelined when this ugly article was introduced. Mother India finally wins her complete freedom today. Today the Upper House also passed Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Bill with 125 votes in favour and 61 votes against it. The people of J&K, who were living like stagnant pond water, will have opportunities to grow and develop. They should be proud of their Prime Minister and Home Minister and express their gratitude to them.


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