The Supreme Ruler is the sole owner of the world

Religion does not mean you make a show of it. It is something that should stay in the heart and not in the mind. Love your God because He loves you and all the more keeps you. Talk to Him gently, listen to Him affectionately and as He is your father, behave like a son does. Generally, people use microphones and sing bhajans, chant and offer services in a very loud sound. What is this? It is their pride, their vanity that provokes people of other community to do the same, and as a result, both of them make hell of their day to day life. Sometimes the Father gets annoyed at such deeds and kills a few by developing a clash between them. Look, even the great Creator wants you to be gentle.
We are controlled by three layers of administration. The family head, the head of the nation and the head of the universe are the different rulers who take care of us and make atmosphere for us to lead an easy life. The head of the family and nation may sometimes lose their sense of belonging or ownership and be careless or selfish, but the Supreme Ruler is the sole owner of the world and can by no means ignore the interest of any creature. He looks the world as a whole and also into the need of every individual. He gives us food, water, shelter and favourable conditions. Just think who else can give all these things. Yes, there are those who steal the shares of their brothers.
Negligence of ethics and moral education and hate politics leave space for man to think what is inhuman, unsocial and brutal. Mechanization, modernization and development of science give health to the mind but weaken the heart, which ultimately leads to social imbalance. Even doctors and physicians have forgotten their ethics. They run their clinic not as clinic but as a business outlet. Businessmen, government employees, advocates, teachers all have become professionals. As for politicians, innumerable are their vices. Beware man, you are near the apex.    


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