NaMo Ways

I composed this poem on Sunday, 30 March 2014, sketching out the picture of the country during the lawless days of UPA rule. Now I urge those who deny the progress made by the Modi Government to compare present-day India with how it was before, for things look alike in the absence of relativity.  

NaMo Ways
India moans with the intense pain of terrorism;
Bleeding is it from several gashes of Maoism;
It has long been infected by the sectarian strife,
And suffering from the fever of caste-led divide.  
The termites of corruption are eating out India;
Torn by price rises are metropolis and Arcadia.
Jobless are the youth; the poor houseless.
How can in economy you think they be a plus?
All around the people is chaos and confusion;
To let them die or cry is the rulers’ intention.
Mistreated are Talents, toil, culture and wisdom;
Country’s resources are all cared for seldom.
The nation’s reputation has long been sullying;
We have many times been the victim of bullying.
Poverty dealers have a hold on the reins of power;
The duplicitous are out with promises to shower.
But, hey, on the horizon look at the red, red rays!
To put the roses into your cheeks rise NaMo Ways.

-       Ramesh Tiwari


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