Covid Relief Package

The Prime Minister announced a new package of Rs 20 lakh crores for Make-in-India and agricultural industry with a view to enabling the country to be self dependent: Now he dreams for an India that will produce everything it needs, aiming to increase exports. His speech also emphasized the importance of our faith in human goodness as our culture has always taught us not to cause harm to humanity in order to take undue advantage of certain situation. Perhaps he did not want to say that our neighbours have lost their humanity in their greed for money. He gave an indication of lockdown-IV with new rules and restrictions. His patience, policies and principles make him stand out from all other premiers of the world. Tuesday, 12 May 2020

India’s Covid Relief Package of 20 lack crores is the largest in the world. It is equal to 10 percent of the GDP. Congress talks of the traditional secured jobs that cannot be provided to more than 5 percent of the total unemployed people and the Modi government is concerned about all of the unemployed youths. Millions of Micro, Small/Medium Entrepreneur units across the country are almost not working properly for the want of fund. A huge amount of Rs 3 Lakh crores allocated to them will boost domestic manufacturing. When they will start working, they will not only produce goods which we import but also generate mass jobs. The government has designed a market-making policy by way of creating a high degree of liquidity through investment in infrastructure and allotment of a huge amount of money for relief schemes. The opposition raises a hue and cry about labour law reforms but they do not talk of how it will lure the companies leaving China. China became rich and powerful only because it provided land and labour to the giant companies of the world. Thursday, 14 May 2020

Animals live more comfortable lives than man; birds feel more secure than man; insects eat and sleep carefree but human beings live in the worst conditions imaginable; worms enjoy fun and freedom but man’s heart is heavy with worries. If there is something meaningless on earth it is man. Millions of labourers are on the roads walking towards their homes or their permanent homes. There is no money, no work but corona lingering on their heads. Their blood and sweat made the callous people become rich but when hard days came they showed no concern for them. They refused to afford their food for a few months. He put his heavy luggage on his head and his wife took her child in her arms and they embarked on a long journey: to travel thousands of kilometres on foot. The sun is blazing down; their faces have been blistered. The child is faint from hunger but her mother is helpless. The family is badly off: not a piece of bread to eat. Nobody is coming forward for their help – for everyone is frightened of corona. China, you will meet a tragic death!


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