
Stop watching TV or it will make you mentally ill. Corona virus is fatal but it is not as deadly as it is shown on TV. The USA is going to attack China and the world is near to its end. North Korea is building a very powerful hydrogen bomb. China will wage a space war. Humanity is in danger. What is this? All nonsense! Things are not as they are hyped up in the media.

China does not intend a war because it is well aware that if it can destroy India, India will also rub out its existence. In actual fact, a full-scale uprising has sparked there against the government, so by creating a war like situation, it wants to divert the attention of its people. However, if it blunders into war with India, European countries will take advantage of it and they will launch a powerful attack on South-China Sea. 

It is not new for China to occupy the territory of some neighbouring country. It has ever been a thorn in the flesh of Bhutan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan and even Russia including India. India is facing China virus and at the same time it looks unlikely that India will be able to avoid a war with China and Pakistan. 

India is now at psychological war with China. It may escalate into a full-scale war. If it happens, Pakistan and Nepal could be the worst sufferers. 


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