The Lion King was enthroned

A few intruders entered the flowery and fertile forest. They were frightened but when they met with a family of jackals, they began to feel safe. A family of foxes came to join them next month. Now they formed a gang to commit robberies and crimes. Citizens began to fall victim to that band of thieves but they did not have a supportive king. Slowly the group of criminals grew so rich and powerful that they succeeded to take control of the forest. However, the day finally came when the Lion King was enthroned and went out in search of the gang. Suddenly he caught sight of a few animals crouching in a bush. The king and the large herd of his family members headed towards the bush. The criminals got scared and began to make loud, unpleasant noise in an attempt to show they were in larger numbers. The heavy and strong king sprang upon them and in no time mauled them all. A few people motivated by self-interest make media streets clamorous against fearless NaMo. Wait 4th of June is arriving shortly!

Nurture the deprived PM Modi’s welfare schemes

Lift the fallen and rescue each one who screams.

He is harsh but for a good cause, that is for sure;

His is humane way like a doctor who cuts to cure.

The INDI makes big promises to use them as bait:

For power and money they have had a long wait.

People know who means to be kind and caring

And who fake love and false words are sharing.

-Poet Ramesh Tiwari

Read The Rise of NaMo and New India for more:


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