India the Third Largest Economy


PM Narendra Modi has kept India on its swift upward path among the world’s largest economies and, as a result, India has emerged as the fifth-largest economy, behind only the US, China, Germany, and Japan. Now he guarantees that during his third term, India will overtake Germany and Japan and be the third largest economic power of the world. Earlier, he had campaigned on the slogan ‘I’ll neither accept bribe nor allow others to take backhanders’. Modifying his slogan, he also vows, “I’ll recover the money looted from the country’s treasury and return it to the legal owners. I won’t let a single drop of the budget and reservation in jobs and education flow into some religious community, as Babasaheb was against religious-based reservation.” Then he added, “Modi is the guardian of the rights of SC/ST/OBC and the deprived.” Chris Wood, one of the best-regarded market strategists in Asia, warns that if Mr. Modi were not re-elected this year, Indian markets could crash by 25 percent or more.


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