
The INDI is a military force on horseback, with its troops armed with swords, bows-arrows, lances and spears. They are battling against NaMo’s armed forces, which are equipped with advanced weaponry like fighter aircraft, missiles etc. The cavalry attacks the artillery like Don Quixote attacked windmills, mistaking them for giants, and was knocked down and also had his lance broken when one of the windmills caught the wind. He still did not admit they were windmills and not giants; instead he blamed Friston for using evil sorcery that, according to him, turned the giants into windmills to steal away his chance of achieving glory. All the parties in the alliance are pygmy goats against the NaMo elephant in the world of politics. Finally, they are sure to lose the elections and allege him that he cast a magic spell on the EVMs.

Are you not bored with your country clean and neat?

Will the swindlers spend money cleaning your street?

Are you not bored with freedom of thought and mind?

Will you be free with your beliefs in the air most unkind?

Are you not bored to feel society you head and lead?

Will you be happy when your advice they don’t heed?

Your country is yours as long as for Modies you vote,

Or are not deceived into being hostile to things yours.

Poet Ramesh Tiwari 

 Read #TheRiseofNaMoandNewIndia for more:


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