The Storyteller Who can Hold you SpellboundUnfolds his Tales

Get to be blissfully happy
And keep your mind healthy,
Read a good book everyday
And keep your phone away.
William Shakespeare was a great story teller because his stories, consisting of real incidents of life rather than imaginary notwithstanding, are very, very interesting and also because his plays are not mere stories of kings and queens but the pictures of varying human minds. They put true examples of how a particular type of person will respond in a particular situation. Now that they warn us of the consequences of various character flaws, they show us the successful ways of life. Now to talk of Leo Tolstoy, who owed his genius to his experiences, his greatness as a story teller cannot be overlooked. He was a moralist but not impractical. In fact, no one else could ever go as deep into human life studying the darkest corners of it as he did. He puts both moral and immoral ways of life with their effects on the society side by side and leaves for the readers to see which to choose. If we call him saint, it would not be an exaggeration, for he saw God behind every action, or rather behind everything in the world and man blinded by his greed and vanity. 'Snippets of Life Music' offers a wealth of ideas, beauty and experience. It is a fascinating mix of universality and spirituality. The stories in it also send sweet pain of love and romance shooting up a passionate heart, thus intriguing and enthralling readers and tickling their imagination. Moreover, they leave an indelible impression, since they kindle feelings that are sure to stay with the audience for days.
For fear of being watched he stole a glance;
Then again and coveted one more chance.
Their accusing eyes were fixed on his face.
He pretended not to notice, staring into space.
Drink up the bottle of beauty he did yearn,
His pain was great but suffering unseen.
Literature, focusing on the weak spots in the society and the system, has the power to change the society and the governments. It is poetry that has brought about revolutions, reformation and awareness. Milton’s voice established the Commonwealth of England; Pindar filled Greece with passion; Bhushan and Chand Bardai made Indian swords thirsty of blood; Dickens turned public attention towards orphans through his novels like Oliver Twist and David Copperfield. Similarly, Snippets of Life music sheds light on certain crucial issues.
My book offers my benign readers the opportunity of understanding just in few hours all that I have learnt in many years and that involves a lot of hard work. I have served facts and events up on this book as they naturally are rather than decorating them with swelling and glorious words or with some external embellishment. Although life has little meaning, yet it is not about squandering it on unnecessary and unproductive things. Often young people do not care about time and the purpose of life. They are always in the mistaken belief that they have unlimited time to live and are free to do things what they may thoughtlessly prefer. These people at the later stages of life feel sorry for all the wrong they have done. A few others suffer depression, but most of them end by making themselves miserable and dissatisfied. ‘Snippets of Life Music’ serves to portray life in a better light and answers certain questions which very few have ever noticed.
There are heaps of books on socially deprived people in India but most intend to spread hate and hostility. There are two stories in my book, Snippets of Life Music, which give a true picture of unfair and cruel treatment of the people from low social class and their struggle against the economic oppression. The stories, however, provoke no feeling of animosity between the upper and the lower, but rather they evoke sympathy for them.
Those who love to have gifts of money,
Always look for help and things free
Never see passing by an opportunity,
Nor live a happy life, nor die with dignity.
Often I call my stories masterpieces and appreciate the beauty, subtlety and profundity of the book and its clear elegant prose. You must be amazed to think that I am haughty or too proud of my skill and intelligence. In point of fact it is not I who wrote these stories but a revelation from Pujya Gurudev dictated them to me. Whenever I read the book again, I wonder if it was written by me. However, if you want to make the most of the book, I would recommend you to read it over and over again. “If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all.” ― Oscar Wilde
One cannot develop a revolutionary idea by making effort – it comes to one by itself or it suddenly evolves from a free mind, as it happened to great scientists and poets and writers. A real work of art forms out of natural process in an artist’s mind rather than being caused or planned. ‘Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity’ – William Wordsworth. I spontaneously started to write short stories and a collection of them is Snippets of Life Music, or they were originated from my mind to which they were revealed by the Great Guru or Govind.
Nature has a lot many things which can be enjoyed: you can go on an excursion to some fascinating place, go down a pub for a drink, spend weekends on a beach or a gala evening at an opera house; but then again, you may sometimes feel melancholy and be reluctant to go out. On such bleak days you can relieve your unpleasant feelings at home by opening the miraculous pages of Snippets of Life Music.
On the pitch of a mind God and Satan struggle.
To rule our lives try their best the forces of evil.
Keep bad company and let the devil in you win;
Or in good company keep yourself free from sin.
Snippets of Life Music is very good company –
A lot many drink and dance,
Another group prays and chants.
This is society
That has people of astonishing variety.
The world is both appealing and appalling -
Don’t be shocked at brawling or falling.
Snippets of Life Music tells of both
Deep is the sense of silence;
Only sit feeling your absence.
You will forget who you are:
Like a butterfly feeding on them spend a few hours.
With the smell of blossoms the garden is perfumed;
To the tastes of both young and old the book is tuned.
Like alcohol the stories will act quickly on your brain;
To rule our lives try their best the forces of evil.
Keep bad company and let the devil in you win;
Or in good company keep yourself free from sin.
Snippets of Life Music is very good company –
Be with it and enjoy reading fiction literary.
There is nothing as complex as the human mind. If all the people on the earth were saints or they all were dissolute, the world would not be what it looks like. There is a bewildering variety of things on the earth and this is why the world is so beautiful. The book, Snippets of Life Music, has many distinguishing features, but what make it exceptionally rare are diverse topics that it covers. If a story unfolds against a background of legal system, there is some other based on business affairs or political activities. You will find examples of many different technical terms like: scientific, business, social, medical, political, communicative, spiritual, legal, administrative – all in one book.
There is nothing as complex as the human mind. If all the people on the earth were saints or they all were dissolute, the world would not be what it looks like. There is a bewildering variety of things on the earth and this is why the world is so beautiful. The book, Snippets of Life Music, has many distinguishing features, but what make it exceptionally rare are diverse topics that it covers. If a story unfolds against a background of legal system, there is some other based on business affairs or political activities. You will find examples of many different technical terms like: scientific, business, social, medical, political, communicative, spiritual, legal, administrative – all in one book.
Another group prays and chants.
This is society
That has people of astonishing variety.
The world is both appealing and appalling -
Don’t be shocked at brawling or falling.
Snippets of Life Music tells of both
Which you love and which you loathe.
Snippets of life Music maintains: If you could realize that every person lives as they have been fixed to live, you would not be jealous of anybody; if you could believe that God makes no mistake and has created everybody according to the need of the place they occupy, you will stop hating anybody; if you could feel that nobody is superior or inferior and no position is high or low, you will attain an state of calmness and confidence; if you could deduce that the whole of humanity is the son or daughter of one great Father and Mother, you would be free of all negative emotions.
Snippets of Life Music claims that love and hatred are not under our control, as we cannot force ourselves to love anything that we do not want to, nor can we make ourselves hate the thing we actually love. But those who love God are the exception because they believe He is not one thing or other – he is all, the Infinite Being, the father of all, the mother of all – and we cannot help loving Him and His creation.
Snippets of life Music maintains: If you could realize that every person lives as they have been fixed to live, you would not be jealous of anybody; if you could believe that God makes no mistake and has created everybody according to the need of the place they occupy, you will stop hating anybody; if you could feel that nobody is superior or inferior and no position is high or low, you will attain an state of calmness and confidence; if you could deduce that the whole of humanity is the son or daughter of one great Father and Mother, you would be free of all negative emotions.
Snippets of Life Music claims that love and hatred are not under our control, as we cannot force ourselves to love anything that we do not want to, nor can we make ourselves hate the thing we actually love. But those who love God are the exception because they believe He is not one thing or other – he is all, the Infinite Being, the father of all, the mother of all – and we cannot help loving Him and His creation.
Only sit feeling your absence.
You will forget who you are:
The book is the best by far.
Change is the basic law of nature. The universe undergoes this process continuously. The thing that refuses to countenance constant modification is subject to a stage of decomposition. Civilization, social order and culture all are subject to change, so the laws related to customs of a particular time become obsolete as they change. However, there are certain laws that are universal and no time or place can affect them. Read Snippets of Life Music and know those laws that have been journeying through different ways of life with developing civilization and the course of evolution.
My ‘Snippets of Life Music’ is a collection of 21 short stories: each only a few pages long but able to surprise you with various unexplored themes. The book is crammed full of fresh thoughts, ideas and theories and deals with some major issues of life. It can be the best external component of a course in any sort of studies. Is it possible for parents to dictate to their children how they should run their lives? Is it possible for a rich person to liberate a close relative from poverty? The stories in the book give a complete answer to such common questions, and in addition they offer answers to some social, political and spiritual questions. A few stories spotlight the weaknesses in society and in the system. The stories will open your eyes to the real world around you and to the true relationship between God and man. You will read them during the day and have pleasant dreams at night. If you have a copy of the book with you, you will not feel forlorn. Enjoy amusing, thought-provoking and compelling stories in a single book.
‘Snippets of Life Music’ is a garden of exotic flowers;Change is the basic law of nature. The universe undergoes this process continuously. The thing that refuses to countenance constant modification is subject to a stage of decomposition. Civilization, social order and culture all are subject to change, so the laws related to customs of a particular time become obsolete as they change. However, there are certain laws that are universal and no time or place can affect them. Read Snippets of Life Music and know those laws that have been journeying through different ways of life with developing civilization and the course of evolution.
My ‘Snippets of Life Music’ is a collection of 21 short stories: each only a few pages long but able to surprise you with various unexplored themes. The book is crammed full of fresh thoughts, ideas and theories and deals with some major issues of life. It can be the best external component of a course in any sort of studies. Is it possible for parents to dictate to their children how they should run their lives? Is it possible for a rich person to liberate a close relative from poverty? The stories in the book give a complete answer to such common questions, and in addition they offer answers to some social, political and spiritual questions. A few stories spotlight the weaknesses in society and in the system. The stories will open your eyes to the real world around you and to the true relationship between God and man. You will read them during the day and have pleasant dreams at night. If you have a copy of the book with you, you will not feel forlorn. Enjoy amusing, thought-provoking and compelling stories in a single book.
Like a butterfly feeding on them spend a few hours.
With the smell of blossoms the garden is perfumed;
To the tastes of both young and old the book is tuned.
Like alcohol the stories will act quickly on your brain;
A single one is enough to ease your mind, your pain.
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