Oh yes – Snippets of Life Music

By tradition, I went to Ghantaghar Park on the evening of Holi to attend Holi Milon Samaroh. A gentleman making his way through the crowd came to me. We shook hands and cuddled each other, as is our custom.

He then said, “Happy to see you, friend. I have been trying to find you for a week now.”

“I’d be glad to oblige,” I replied.

“What’s the name of your book? Oh yes – Snippets of Life Music. I need a copy of it. Where should I meet you to get it?”

I usually carry one or two copies of my book in my scooter boot. I led Mr Pandey to where my scooter was parked, opened the dickey and handed him the book. He paid 250 Rupees to me.

I became very happy. I thanked him warmly and asked, “How did you know about the book, friend?”

“I saw it on Facebook,” he replied carelessly.


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