A Story about Stories

One day one of my friends told me that he wanted to read my book. I happily gave him a copy.

“Friend, I’ll return it if it doesn’t appeal me,” he said frankly. “But, you know, if it interests me a little, I’ll purchase it.”

“You can keep it,” I replied, “no matter whether it interests you or not. I give it to you free.”

After a week the gentleman reported that the book was wonderfully evocative, but he would buy it if his wife approved.

“Oh brother!” I beamed. “We’ve worked together for years and I have a right to present you with a book.”

Another week passed, and my friend came to me again. Now he put 150 Rupees into my pocket, saying, “Friend, your book really produces pleasant ideas, emotions and memories, right as you told me. My wife spends most afternoons reading your book. Though it costs Rs 275, I’d ask special discount of you.”


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