Childhood Memories

Reminiscences are sweet because we often compare our present with the past and always come to the result that happier were those days when we did this and that, when we had such a good time with our young friends and when the world had colour. In fact, with the passing of time, our knowledge enriches, leaving less things to be strange for us, and the intensity of enthusiasm turns weaker with the diminishing potency of body. In ‘God is Even-Handed’ the two friends, while enjoying the present situation, are carried back to where the alluring past events hover. This is something that happened to the great poet William Wordsworth, who could not help imparting his feelings through his ‘Tintern Abbey’; and Shakespeare too summoned up his remembrance of things past and sighed the lack of many a things he sought. Enjoy yourself and smile as your childhood memories are brought back.


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