
The person who knows the different elements of agriculture is more of a farmer than a mere politician and can make the best representative of farmers. As far as PM Modi ji is concerned, he talks of the industrial development but he also understands the difficulties that farmers face, knows the latest techniques of how their problems can be dealt with and, on the top of that, feels the very pain in the hearts of the farmers. He has been the complete prime minister unlike those who belonged to a high social class, had never known how rural people live, had always conjured up images of a dream country life, and as a result had been impoverishing farmers. Now he has raised the prices of agricultural products; fertilizer is available to the farmers in abundant; solar pumps are there to save diesel and electricity, cutting the cost of their crop irrigation; and there are several schemes for farmers that provide farm subsidy. Now in comparison, the UPA Government always lacked budget to meet agricultural projects and subsidies.


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