Happy Birthday to Sri Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister!

I wish a happy Birthday to the Prime Minister who has endeared himself to his fellow countrymen, who has a lot of real love for the whole country and who lives not for living a life but for the sake of the nation as Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya did! I would like to present him with a nice little poem.  
The mother is happy to give birth to a wonderful son
Because her baby boy later engaged the attention of his second mother,
Who watched him carefully and started nourishing
His talents and his power to invent.
The child never ever disappoints her,
So she too is happy to give birth to him.
This rare boy developed the sea of love in his heart
To share with the children of every mother in the country.
While others court popularity by presenting themselves
As the messiah of a particular community
And shrink, as they hold office, from their responsibilities,
Laying their loyalties with their family and the people of their own caste,
This generous, selfless and well-liked son wins the hearts of the nation,
Though he favours his family, too – but his family is the whole country –
Though he discriminates against the other community, too –
But that community consists of insurgents and the dregs of humanity.
Now both the mothers are proud of their son.
Happy Birthday to you, the indomitable Prime Minister! 
                                                                                      -          Ramesh Tiwari 


  1. Many more Happy Returns of the to our beloved PM Shri Modi ji, the Man of Developing India, and India’s real Kohinoor “A Rare Diamond” indeed!! ( re-arranging the alphabets in his name “Narendra Modi,” you can find the two words Rare Diamond)!! :-D


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