The Very Lion of Asia

I composed this poem on Sunday, 13 April 2014, dedicating it to the Finance Minister, Sri Arun Jaitley, and would like to offer it to him as a gift on the eve of pious Raksha Bandhan

Even after India had won her freedom 66 years ago,

The rule flavoured with English lingered on.

While we buttered up one big family,

‘Divide and rule’, ‘squeeze and drink’ kept going on.

We always thought the worst of ourselves

And had no confidence whatsoever.

Perhaps blinded by the perpetual slavery

We could not discern if we are what we had been ever.

Who else would the world call

The teacher, the leader, the father of civilization?

Our eyes have now opened;

Our own brand excellence has awakened.

A patriotic polymath has emerged again

To pull India together, its speed of economy to gain.

Adieu, adieu, you humble Mindset!

Exploitative Autocracy, adieu, adieu!

We are the very lion of Asia once again!

By Ramesh Tiwari


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