
They say there is no God because if He has been, He would be visible to all. Just as we live in the sea of air, so do fishes in the sea of water. We are unable to see the air similarly fishes cannot see water. Now to see the air or water we need to see it from outside it. God is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. Since nothing can go outside Him, it is impossible for anyone to see him. Moreover, we still feel the presence of the air and what it does for us. We must think that the universe is not run by man or anything else. It still goes very systematically. We see mind behind all that happens in the world and something supernatural governing it. When we reach the age where we are able to reproduce ourselves, we are mad to do that. Who cares about the future world? Who is concerned about the thing we need for our survival? If it is not God who else? Before making a thing or a creature, God is mindful of the vacancy for them. He sets their minds accordingly and therefore the person likes what he has been sent for. God is there and we also feel his super management – only we do not try to realize His presence. Negation of mind is the presence of God and mind over matter is the case of standing further forward than Him, facing the world.

The difference between me and Ram is that I am an individual being and Ram is one universal. When I am too self-centred to think about others, I am an atheist but as I worry about the world, I become a devotee of Ram, bhakt Prahlad, sant Tulsidas, who never lived for their own sake. They never cared about what they would eat and where they would sleep – they lived for the whole humanity and therefore they are called the worshipers of Ram.

A happy and peaceful life is lived by those who think that all that they have have been given to them by Ram, the sole owner of all, that even their title and belief are not theirs, that they do what they have been asked to by Him, that they obey Ram with the strength transferred to them by Him and that their knowledge is restricted to the area of their work. Hey Ram, show me the way of love!

Shyam, people point the finger at Meera needlessly – your flute calls Radha, Radha.

No, no Krishna has got to play his flute, whether it is for Meera or Radha.

Whether it is the currents of the Yamuna or the tree under which He plays his flute, all belong to Prabhu Krishna Kanhaiya.

In fact, all the people of Brij are fan of Shyam.

People point the finger at Meera needlessly.

No, no Krishna has got to play his flute, whether it is for Meera or Radha.

Nobody knows whom His flute calls out, but it is obvious that it sings loud in its admiration for those who are enthusiasts for its notes.

Who is that who is not a slave to it?

Govind loves both Meera and Radha.

Shyam, people point the finger at Meera needlessly – your flute calls Radha, Radha, the name of all that exists!!!


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