
A lovely garden though we had,

Sweet, sweet voices made us mad,

Yet all was dark – oh, dark, dark, dark!

But soon we tried all around us to mark.

Grateful are we to our parents

And grateful are we to our friends,

But we know not how to say a thank

To the man who filled us with the light vibrant.

Spiritual pursuit leads to peace and thus makes your mind pure and healthy. It does not violate the laws of nature but makes your mind capable of achieving your goal because God operates everybody by their minds. So let’s spare a few moments for some spiritual cause – not because we want to escape our work and duties but because we have got to rest our tired and exhausted mind. Sadgurudev is the sun that spreads spiritual light in the universe of heart and mind. Well, the sun can brighten several planets but the darkness in the heart remains unless it is open to receive the celestial light of a Sadguru’s teachings.

We are controlled by three layers of administration. The family head, the head of the nation and the head of the universe (Sadguru) are the different rulers who take care of us and make atmosphere for us to lead an easy life. The head of the family and nation may sometimes lose their sense of belonging or ownership and be careless or selfish, but the Supreme Teacher/Ruler is the sole owner of the world and can by no means ignore the interest of any creature. He looks the world as a whole and also into the need of every individual. He gives us food, water, shelter and favourable conditions.

Rise above the world in your mind, you'll see there the true form of sadgurudev, the sense itself which is Parmatma where peace dwells and happiness looks you after.

दिल में जाने सदगुरु क्या रंग भर दिया है

नज़रें बदल गयीं हैं जीवन संवर गया है ...


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