
A plant sprouts
With its tender little shoots
And knows not
From where it came
And will take which of the routes.
Growing in its ignorance,
It slowly turns out to be crazy,
Is puffed up with pride,
Teasing others,
Kidding weathers,
Singing songs,
Blind to every right and wrong.
Oh, what has happened to it?
Now anyone else
It has nothing to do with!
Absolutely confined,
Giving friends a cold look,
Deep in melancholy
Like a closed book.
Eyes half opened, oppressed, depressed
For love and caresses he is pressed.
My God,
It now looks as pale as a ghost!
Now about to complete its journey
Like a vehicle
Driven by a man;
Nay, by the Almighty
He has been carried in the time-van.  

-          Ramesh Tiwari


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