The Landslide Victory - 2014

The first part of ‘The Rise of NaMo and New India’ is packed with quotes from common people about Shri Narendra Modi and the second part consists of the poems dealing with his life, policies and achievements.

Here's an excerpt from the book:

Tuesday, 13 May 2014, the end of Gandhi dynasty appeared as clear as the Sun was sure to rise in the morning. As soon as the election ended, Rahul Gandhi fled to Europe. He did not feel comfortable with the people of India. He, as it seemed, did not listen to his mother even.

The election victory on May 16, 2014 gave BJP a clear mandate to start growth oriented programmes, discarding all sorts of appeasement, communal and sectarian policies. Shri Modi with his two wings – one called ‘development’ and the other ‘good governance’ – was ready to fly up with the countrymen towards the heights of achievement. The defeated opponents of BJP began to console themselves that the people would turn against it if it failed to carry through on the promises it had made. But as they turned to think that the people of Gujarat remained satisfied with the Modi government for so long, they felt disappointed. Shri Nitish Kumar meant to say that Shri Modi lured people with false promises. Even a few party members did not dare speak clearly about keeping their election promises. It was NaMo who stood firm and confident, declaring that he would do something drastic about good governance and development, the essence of all he had promised.

20 May 2014, there are two kinds of premiers: those who prefer to enjoy power and those who choose to serve the countrymen with a view to earning name and fame. India finally succeeded discovering the latter sort of a prime minister.

It was long since patriots had dreamed to make India a super power, but the imposters did everything in their design powers to take hold of power. The sun of hope and dream rose again on Monday, 26 May 2014 when the promising son of Mother India was sworn in as prime minister.


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