My Biography of PM Narendra Modi, Written in Rhyming Couplets

'Thirsty Wings' Taken from 'The Rise of NaMo and New India' 

Vadnagar in Mehsana District of Gujarat
Would produce a jan-man samrat,
Across the world the town would gleam
Who could ever have foreseen?

On September seventeen, nineteen fifty,
A baby charismatic, lively and frisky
Arrived there as the third of six children
Born to Damodardas Mulchand and Heeraben.

The child, as older grew, gained in restraint
And developed virtues of a saint.
He was shaping up as an orator brilliant,
Though he was an average student.

Of going to Sainik School the boy dreamed,
Serving the country as a soldier esteemed;
But no chance he had his dream to fulfil –
The family was too broke to foot the bill.

In theatrical arts an interest he had;
In school plays several parts he played.
Later he aspired to work as an actor
But could not get access to films or theatre.

To his family he was brought up to tend;
With selling tea his father a hand he lent.
The school boy joined Shakha Sanagh’s
Instead of being happy with his friends.

The tea boy was patriotic by nature:
He with true zeal served tea to soldiers,
Set up food stalls with his little means
With a view to helping flood victims.

Forsaking his married life, the boy of 17
Set off to survey the land he had not seen,
To find a path of life lit by spiritual light
As his wings were thirsty for height.

He had read books and religious granths;
By Vivekananda was he strongly influenced.
He travelled two years with his guru’s dream
Of making India the Guru supreme.

After returning home with experience a lot,
He moved to his uncle’s tea stall in Ahmadabad,
But as he was destined for things great,
Could not hold him home and work place.

The path ordained by Heaven did he find:
In 1972 as an active campaigner RSS he joined.
Quickly gained him recognition his efficiency,
Which took him to lead a crusade against emergency.

Political science degrees by distance learning
He did to develop his political understanding.
A BA in 1978 from Delhi University he got;
In 1983 did an MA from the University of Gujarat.

Cooked to perfection in the pot of Sangh,
The man grew up to be a statesman young,
A great organizer of the unit Gujarat BJP,
Which in 1987 selected him its Gen Secretary.

Higher and higher he flew and did not cease
In the face of odds to secure election victories.
Ahmadabad Municipal Elections won the party,
Put up a good fight in Assembly Elections 1990.

At the next state polls in 1995, not only swept
His charisma Keshubhai to power but also left
The old incumbents to struggle for survival;
Indian politics now felt his heavy arrival.

In the same year he made a triumphal entry
Into the national organization as its secretary.
Then every three years on a higher step he trod:
The Gen Sec in 1998, in 2001 the CM of Gujarat.

Every term of office he with higher reputation
Ended up, won by a clear majority every election,
Emerged as a chief minister highly competent,
As a public figure widely admired and prominent.

Consecutively he governed Gujarat till he at last
Achieved the goal of doing what he was born for.
When in the 2014 general election he led the party,
No party could face the storm of his popularity.

For the first time the BJP won a clear majority,
Giving a blow to the pride of the ruling party.
The tea boy was sworn in as the 15th Minister Prime,
The one who the needs of the people could divine.

On 26 May 2014 India came in nursing care
Of her first PM born in the independent air,
Determined with ambitious plans to forge ahead
And blessed with his mother’s hand on his head.

As a first time MLA took the oath to become CM,
As a first time MP took the oath to become PM,
The model democrat performed astonishing feats;
Second term he began with larger number of seats.


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