Budget 2022-2023

PM Modi is determined to achieve his targets: Self-reliant India, Digital Super Power, Clean India and Healthy Nation. Budget 2022-2023 is growth-oriented, promoting, MSME, Start UP, Digital India, safer and faster Transportation. Gati-Shakti Project gets Rs 1.40 lakh crore, about 15 percent more than last year. Under this project, about 400 Bande Bharat trains will be manufactured over the next three years. Rs 7.5 lakh crore has been shared out for building assets called Capital Expenditure, increasing 35%. A massive 44 thousand crore have been allocated to BSNL for 4G spectrum and PLI for 5G technologies. Production of indigenous weapons has been given a stronger push. RBI is going to introduce risk-free Digital Currency, which can be exchanged with physical currency. PM eVIDYA will be expanded to 200 TV channels, thereby establishing digital university for world class universal education. Rs 60 thousand crore for water connections and a significant increase in the budget for Green India. Heavy budget for battery swapping services, which will open a new business model and it will create a lot of jobs. Rs 18 lakh crore for the farm sector to provide farmers with natural farming, drone technology that is intended to promote crop assessment, digitalize land records and to spray insecticides. Budget 2022-2023 will open new opportunities for youth and farmers with a vision for pro-people reforms. PM Modi doubled the economy only in seven years and India is going to be fifth-largest economy in the world.


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