Stay Indoors

There are a few factions that deeply loathe PM Narendra Modi but the larger group blindly loves him. 'The Rise of NaMo and New India' will be available to you very soon. Stay indoors which is the safest thing you can do as a preventive measure against corona virus and read this book to know why he stands head and shoulders above many previous Prime Ministers and why you must trust him to keep you safe and sound. We are now bound to stop our trips away from our homes due to the fast spreading coronavirus and it is safe for us too. Since it is probable that we may get bored with staying indoors, we need some good books. #SnippetsofLifeMusic is the best solution to this problem.

Let us observe Janata Curfew on Sunday and also encourage our health workers, municipal workers, policemen, military personnel and people in other essential services at 5.00 pm that day. Let us stay away from a public gathering. Nobody is safe outside their doors – your home is the only place where you can survive this lethal epidemic. Stay indoors and enjoy crispy, savoury and sweet stories in Snippets of Life Music. Friday, 20 March 2020

If you have a copy of SnippetsofLifeMusic with you, you are not alone in a room but in a crowd of about hundred people in a movie theatre.

नो टेंसन ! यदि आपके पास स्निपेट्स आफ लाइफ म्यूजिक है तो कहीं भी किसी समय कम से कम सौ लोग आपसे बातें करने के लिए उपलब्ध हैं |


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