‘Snippets of Life Music’ featured in Hindustan

Ramesh Chandra Tiwari (May 1, 1964), an employee of LIC of India, is a prolific writer of short stories and a poet. His works have been published in a few leading journals such as Reading Hour, Avadh University Journal, The Criterion, Galaxy, LANLIT, The Bombay Review and Setu. On March 4, 2017, the Criterion  awarded him a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of his fiction. He graduated in Hindi, English and Economics from Avadh University, Faizabad in 1984 but completed a master’s degree in English Literature after twenty years from the same university in 2004. Kisan Post Graduate College, Bahraich honoured him with a certificate of proficiency in English on 28 August 2017 and he is now recognized as an accomplished storyteller. Contact Details: rameshctiwari600@gmail.com 


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