PM Modi Lived up to his Promise

Ramesh Tiwari
15 November 2013 at 08:44 · 
India is a family wherein Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian are the sons of the same parents. As for their differences, they are not different from those that brothers normally have. Now a reckless head of the family makes the entire family destitute; and a responsible & circumspect, prosperous. So if you want the all-round development of the country like jerk-proof roads and highways connecting all our villages, towns and cities, speed in transportation with more railway and airways networks, work for all, happy and fear-free religious communities enjoying freedom and equal opportunities, terror-free society, promotion of home businesses, a smiling and corruption-free India, and if you want to challenge China, to tame Pakistan, to be pioneer in space race and technology, to have the institutions of higher and technical education welcoming the children of all classes, to get your military modernized and stronger – make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister of India as it is only he who will prove to be the best and ablest head of the family.
I wrote this status on 15/11/2013. Now judge whether PM Modi has attempted to live up to his promise.


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