Fear and Hostility

Neither  Muslims  live peacefully nor do they let others live. What they want the world to be like I wonder. Perhaps they want the humanity to be converted to Islam. I want to tell them that they can by no means make a good country on their own, for no Muslim country is happy. Yes, Muslims are happy where they are living with the people of other religion.

During the division between India and Pakistan, Hindu population living in Pakistan was 21percent. Now they have reduced to only one percent. The same air has begun to blow from the side of Jammu and Kashmir. Wait, it will go across the country. There will be one Islamic country in place of the three, or more probably there will be many more small countries as Muslims do not tolerate even Muslims of other section like Wahabis, non-wahabis, Sunnis or Shiites.

Hindus are demanding to build Ram temple in India and not in Pakistan. They want to build it in Ayodhya and not in Ajmer. If they are not authorized to do it in their own land, particularly, in one of their religious places, then where else may they have a place to erect a temple? It means they are aliens in their own country.

Every Muslim says that Islam teaches human values better than any other faith. I wonder why they behave like one that is crueller than the cruellest things on the earth. Hindus are not terrorists; they love peace. But when they talk of their religion, they are called enemies of secularism. Islam is against all other religions and in reaction all of them are against Islam.

The caste bar has not been a long-standing curse of our society. It was going nice during Indian dynasties. Since the beginning of invasions, when we needed to stand united against the foreigners, it became a problem for us. This caste bar weakened us and as a result Prithviraj Chauhan, the great warrior and the powerful king of the time, had finally to lose the war against Mohd Gori. Now in present democratic system (particularly, when we have an incompatible community, standing parallel to us) the lingering caste bar has created another, rather worse, problem for us. The politicians take the benefit of this weakness and exploit the whole of our community, thereby making our country economically weak. Moreover, it is something that causes them to take favour of the opposite community and finally leaves us helpless before China and Pakistan.

शायद ही कोई मुस्लिम ऐसा होगा जो यह सोचता होगा कि पाकिस्तान हिन्दुस्तान में मिल जाय जबकि इस समाज के लगभग सभी ऐसे लोग होंगे जिनकी आन्तरिक इक्षा यही होगी कि हिन्दुस्तान पाकिस्तान में मिल जाय और इसी का समर्थन सभी कांग्रेस, समाजबादी या बहुजन समाजबादी पार्टी करते हैं |


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