Anti-National Party Line

Prejudice is such a thing that makes even a highly educated person too blind to judge what is good and what is bad. Often people forget the dark side of the previous government and find every fault in the present government. On the contrary, there are those who are victims of caste led, racial or communal hatred. Such people are very bad voters as they dish out power to wrong and cunning hands. I have made an honest appraisal of all the parties and come to a decision that if BJP is not all good, it is better than all other parties, particularly when it is under control of PM Modi. At least, the country is safe with him and the countrymen are cared for.

The system of education had collapsed under the continuous rules of SP and BSP, as colleges and schools had become the centres of recreation and not of learning and students depended on copying. The Yogi government has good intention of educating the young people of the state. It is trying to ban copying so students turn to their studies. It has tightened its grip on teachers and as a result teachers are compelled to attend their classes. The sun of business and learning has risen in the state. Now BSP, Congress and SP are afraid lest the poor, their vote bank, are well schooled and earn their livings. These parties have ruled the state for a long time but the poor have always become poorer and the rich richer. Now it is the Modi Government that is serious about mitigating the poverty and offering the downtrodden a helping and friendly hand. Monday, 09 April 2018

The situation in West Bengal has worsened in the last twenty years due to immigration and TMC’s appeasement policy. Now TMC’s Bangladeshi workers march in the streets with naked swords and knives in their hands. The state, once urbane and cultured, has become the centre of hooligans, goons and hoodlums. Poverty and unemployment has spread across the state. The party now dares to violate even federal laws. Days are not far ahead when this state will become another Kashmir. If the central India keeps promoting congress, SP or BSP, that behave like TMC, only God knows what will happen to this country. Why don’t they protest about Reservation in Aligarh University or in Zamia Miliya University?

आज कोई देश थोड़ा भी कमजोर है तो उसे हड़पने वाले बहुत हैं. सीरिया, इराक़, फ़िलिस्तीन, तिब्बत, ताइवान सहित चीन के इर्द-गिर्द तमाम सारे देशों का अस्तित्व ही ख़तरे में है | ड्रैगन की विस्तारवादी नीति से संपूर्ण एशिया आस्थिर है | तकनीकी विस्तार में होड़ लगी हुई है | सभी प्रभावशाली देश अपने प्रतिभाशाली नागरिकों को संरक्षित कर रहे हैं | भारत की प्रतिभा भेद-भाव वाले क़ानून से हतोत्साहित है | मुगल काल और अँग्रेज़ी हुकूमत में सबकी आवाज़ बन्द थी | आज नोचने के लिए सबको भारत माँ की हड्डी चाहिए - उसकी सेवा करने का कर्तव्य किसी का नहीं है | यदि ऐसा ही रहा तो जातीए घृणा फैलाने वाले लोग किसी गैर हिंदुस्तानियों की चुपचाप गुलामी कर रहे होंगे |


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