Ram Charit Manas

Ram Charit Manas is an immortal epic by Goswami Tulasidas, one of the greatest poets in Hindi. The poet gives a thrilling account of Ram's life, covering all the basic ideas of Vedas and Puranas. The most important thing about this epic poem is that the poet has sketched out a beautiful and lifelike character of Maryada Purushottam Ram. Ram Charit Manas is divided into seven books – Bal Kand, Ayodhya Kand, Aranya Kand, Kiskindha Kand, Sunder Kand, Lanka Kand and Uttar Kand – which include Ram’s high standards of probity and principles, his politeness and decency, his magnetic personality and might that he showed during his life between his birth and coronation. In these seven sections, he has been presented as being obedient to his teachers and parents, a humanitarian king, a statesman of great vision, a candid man, a saviour of the people seeking refuge, a mortal threat to injustices and a man of high virtues. These qualities make Ram Maryada Purushttam and a world leader. Ram Charit Manas is not only a sacred book but also an auspicious and blessed piece of poetry. This is why people like to keep this book in their houses and consider themselves fortunate to read it regularly.


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