
(A beautiful view of the grounds of Kisan Post Graduate College, Bahraich, which was decorated by the young cricketers of Thakur Hukum Singh Cricket Association on the eve of Deepawali.) 

Today is Deepawali, a festival of ecstasy, a celebration of Ram Raj. Happy Deepawali!

Who will light lamps and candle,
Who will play crackers
Who has got to dance and sing
In honour of the Creator?
Come on, brothers –
Be you all happy!
Through the years ahead
Dilwali bring you Peace and prosperity! 

The universes are the different rooms of Ram’s palace. The day He built them with matter, enlightened them with the suns, gave music with different sounds, perfumed them and made them pleasant with various tastes was later on named as Deepawali. He celebrates the anniversary of His creation and wants us to be happy and to sing and dance on this day. Friends, brothers, sisters, everyone, come on – let us enjoy His bounties on the Earth, but nicely and gently because we often pass over the happiness of the animals in our excitement. They get frightened of noise, colour and light; particularly, pets get stressed out, confused and injured by our crackers. Thousands of them singe and many of them leave their master’s home every year. After all, they too are the creation of God. I hope we will not let evil overpower good and enjoy everything today without ignoring the effects of our fun with fireworks on other people and animals.

Deepawali symbolizes the restart of business and activity, the influx of prosperity and the desire to spread spiritual light, understanding, love and peace to the world around; and we, being encouraged by such feelings, adorn the earth like heaven graces a dark midnight sky. On this divine day today, let’s light a lamp of righteousness, though it may be tiny, in the atmosphere shrouded by the darkness of broken humanity – hatred, jealousy, greed, lust, cunningness, corruption and all – and let’s grow in prosperity, not alone but with brothers.

Deepawali-Deeps symbolize the knowledge that we need to force up into the society for the well being of all animals, plants and man. Diwali also represents the development of decency and justice, for Ram Raj was established on this day, obliterating the despotic rule of Rawan. When Lord Ram sat on the throne, he was greeted by the cheers of ecstatic people. There was no trace of bigotry, intolerance, extremism etc; they all became rich, intelligent, talented and decent; and no one ever liked to deceive anybody. May this Deepawali make the world make sensible judgements, so they live in peace and harmony with themselves and with those around them!

 राम राज बैठे त्रयलोका | हर्षित भये गये सब सोका ||
बयरु न कर काहू सन कोई | राम प्रताप विषमता खोई ||
नहि दरिद्र कोऊ दुखी न दीना | नहि कोऊ अबुध न लच्छन हीना ||
सब निर्दंभ धर्म रत पुनी | नर अरु नारि चतुर सब गुनी ||
सब गुनग्य पण्डित सब ज्ञानी | सब कृतग्य नहि कपट सयानी ||

‘People are busy preparing for Deepawali and you’re sitting under this tree meditating, boy?’ asked the Brahman.’Shriman, I’ve no house to wash. Nor lamps and candle, nor any fireworks either’ replied the boy. ‘However, I’ve have a big heart which I wash and illuminate for Shri Hari and Mata Laxami.’ ‘Chandragupta,’ cried Kautilya, ‘I’ve a crown for you!’

आभाव से संपन्नता के प्रति प्रयत्न में आनंद है | संपन्नता में उत्सव का दिन और सामान्य दिन एक सा लगता है | तमाम ऐसे धनवान होंगे जो अदभुत प्रकाश, मिठाइयां और बिचित्र पटाखों के बीच उदास बैठे होंगे वहीं एक गरीब एक दिया में मस्त होगा | भगवान ने किसी को कुछ दिया है और दूसरे को कुछ


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