
“Our lives are miserable, laborious and short. We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies: and those of us who are capable of it, are forced to work to the last atom of our strength.” – George Orwell. These words win the public favour expeditiously. “Comrades, awake and help us wage a war for equality. Comrades, you are the owners of those major resources of the country which you produce but you don’t own. Comrades, awake arise and help us take hold of all that, so we can distribute every means for free among you.” As these words of communism are very tasty to the people, they pave the easy way to the power. But soon after these moralists (AAP) attain power, their language gets changed. “No animal shall drink alcohol” converts into “No animal shall drink in excess.” or “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” – Orwell. Power corrupts all. However, communism is not the solution to unemployment and poverty; instead, economic growth is the solutions to such problems. Often a growing economy lowers the rate of unemployment and mitigates poverty and vice versa. Yes, corruption is a deadly enemy of economy. Here I would like to remind people of the rich treasury of the country during Atal Bihari regime and of the fact how BJP earned and how the following Congress government enjoyed the hard earned money.

It is human nature to dislike those whom we consider rich and it is also human nature to be pleased listening to anything spoken against those who do better than us. Communists or Maoists choose the easy way of winning the favour of the common people by blaming a few who have surpassed the achievements of the rest and thus they make their way to power cunningly. Similarly the people of one community hate the people of the other community and are eager to listen to someone condemning each other’s religious adversaries. The same easy politics is possible between them. However, the most difficult and healthiest sort of politics is the one that speaks of the visions for development and that debates the impetus towards democracy and greater accountability. The people are now required to analyse what most parties do and as against them what BJP does.

Maoism took the shape of a violent revolution in Nepal a few years ago. Everyone tempted by a political career was blind to join the Maobadi Party. It looked as though every opponent of it would have a permanent end. But as it formed its government, the country started to witness an absolute mayhem; businessmen lost their faith in the government and began to transfer their money in Indian banks. Slowly the economy of Nepal faltered. The price rise sent the country into deep recession; the rate of unemployment rose mountain high; a large number of party workers started to claim their participation in the government; those who had left their jobs lost every job. Finally, a revolt erupted and the Maobadi Patry reduced to a very small party, with its little identity in the people.

Where there is money there is power and where there are both money and power there are more money and power. Secondly, business competition is now not limited to the area of the country, it is global and therefore communism is a flop idea. Thirdly, a poor and weak nation cannot compete with big players and is sure to become poorer and weaker and ultimately prey to violence and slavery. China follows capitalism but speaks the language of communism. It has developed its system of manufacturing so strong in recent years that the world is bound to purchase things from it; and at the same time, it has never let intolerance and religious fanaticism grow on its land. It is emerging to be the world’s super power. Fortunately, the Modi government is stepping forward to the right direction of Make in India policy and it can be well materialized by the big capitalists of the country and not by any socialist system. Socialism was good when the business was not on the global platform. Do not be beguiled into hating your industrialists – they bring money, make the country rich and generate employments. The country is financially weak. The present policies of the government will take time but ultimately bring work and prosperity.

Our country is in need of more and more business; it needs increase in food production; it needs the development of world class infrastructure; it needs a huge investment programme intended to promote our own science and technology; it needs bigger capital to raise manufacturing with its quality and quantity having standards that could outpace all foreign rivals; development and reformation in health and education system are its basic needs; but above all what is needed is security of all sorts. Now to meet these needs, we need money, the only thing ever capable of solving every problem. These things can be achieved through socialist ideals – can anyone believe it? Socialism is a golden vase filled with the poison of corruption – the world history has proved it many times. The leftwing political principles are relevant in a prosperous country and not in a country like India where the whole system has paralysed. Our country lacks work culture; all of us are aware of our rights and interests, but what we often ignore is our duties. Outside the policies of the Modi Government, you are as insecure as the insecurity itself. These regional parties and leftists that still attempt to create many kinds of divide in the country will neither survive nor let you survive in the world of competition and in the world of violent fundamentalism.

BJP does not offer a handout to a particular community. It offers jobs, business, technology, promotion and development of talents and skills to every community. It dreams of a powerful India, a prosperous India, a India that dictate and not be dictated. It wants to see every person participating in building of the country and not a poor Indian looking for a deceptive aid. Brothers, aids and imports make country poor and open the door for corruption. Mostly the people in government and the government officials have chances to pocket the fund through a foreign purchase or while distributing aids. Beware of the cunnings that offer you freebies or anything like that. They never mean to promote you; instead, they mean to bait you into voting for them. They never meant to make you a giver – they mean to make you a taker, a beggar. They never mean to educate your children; instead, they mean to make them dependent on the midday meals at schools.


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